Chapter Nine *edited*

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Chapter Nine


In the week since I've been here, nothing much has happened, unless you count Dad almost setting the kitchen on fire trying to cook that flaming cherry dessert. Although it looked terrible, it tasted pretty good. Considering. Gracie has been quiet, and serious, and depressed. Almost no snide remarks out of her, which is kind of bad. I think Castiel is starting to get suspicious, but I don't think in a million years he would be able to "infer" the trauma we went through. We'll just have to deal on our own.

On the bright side, though, I did get to go on my first hunt. If you'd call it a hunt. It was really easy, just a ghost case in Wisconsin. Took two days, and all I did was burn the bones. But it was pretty fun, considering I didn't have to dig the grave. Sorry, Dean.

I will admit something, though. I have been... how to put this... concerned, since the whole Arc Angel thing. Maybe even more so than Gracie. I mean, she did sneak off into the prison room and talk to Lucas about it when she thought I was sleeping. I could tell she went and saw that guy because when she came back she had this stupid grin on her face and this whole essence of daydreaminess about her. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a side effect of being part-Angel, I'm just really good at reading people. It's useful.

Tonight, though, it's my turn to sneak out on Gracie.

I push the covers off of my body, and quietly set my feet on the cold cement floor of Gracie's room. She was kind enough to let me share with her. I'm wearing nothing more than my short, lacey nightgown and a long coat when I walk out the door. I steal the keys to the Impala on the way out; I really, really hope Dean doesn't mind. He loves the car more than his own children, so I wouldn't be surprised if he killed me just for touching it. But it's for a good cause.

I drive slowly to the nearest town, some rundown ghetto called Holtsville, Nebraska. I pass so many flickering neon signs I lose count after twenty. It's a while before I reach the place where I want to go: Marty's Exotic Girls. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.

I bite my bottom lip as I head in the smoke-smelling building through the back door. Girls wearing faux fur scarves and bikinis that don't eye me with empty irises as I walk into Marty's office.

I shut the door behind me quietly. A bluish, smoky hue embraces the office, making my eyes water and my stomach churn. I can't even begin to comprehend what I'm about to do. It's a lot more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. Then again, I don't think I ever really imagined joining a strip club.

"Eeeeehhhh!" a man's hoarse, choking voice finds its way to my ears.

I turn around to face Marty with a sigh, and some of my blonde hair covers my eyes. I push it behind my ear and walk up to the owner of the club.

"Ah, you must be, uh, Selena, 'ight?" Marty hiccups. His words are slurring, and I can smell the whiskey on his breath.

"Serena," I answer for him.

He leans forward, his eyes glazed over like clouds covering the moon. "Well, if you're gonna join this place, then you're gonna go by Bella from now on, 'ight?"

"Um, okay sure."

"So that means you're in?"

My stomach starts to perform for the gold, flipping like my life depends on it.

"Looks like it," I smile nervously.

"Don't be afraid, kid," Marty smiles, with half-gold and half-blacken teeth. "You'll get used to it."

I sigh inwardly. "I'm sure I will."

"You think you're ready to start tonight?"

"The whole reason I came here, sir."

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