Chapter Thirteen *edited*

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Chapter Thirteen


Okay, vampire hunting today? Complete and total EPICNESS. We discovered this entire society of fanged creatures just roaming around among humans, and killing them and sacrificing them, and creepy vampire stuff like that. So all four of us go in and full-on raid the nest. When these two guys came at me with their teeth poking out of their enflamed gums, I go total badass on them -- working my hunter genes. I used this silver knife Dad gave me to slice their sorry little heads off, and when more vamps came at me, I turned into even more of a badass. In fact, I was so badass, that after the whole ordeal Dean actually congratulated me on being such a badass. So I think I deserve a Harley-Davidson, a new leather jacket, some tall black boots, and epic shades. You know, to complete my image.

But in all honesty, I wasn't perfect. I mean, it was impressive for one of my first hunts, but I got out of it with a few scars. A long line down my left arm, a couple of scratches on my back, and a few scrapes along my neck when those vamps tried to suck my blood. However, I like to look on the bright side. I managed to kill them before they could kill me. And that's a win, at least in my book.

Yet even after all of my hard work and dedication, I'm not out celebrating with champagne, and a fancy expensive new dress, and a plate full of chocolate cake drowning in hot fudge. Instead, I'm at work. My job does come with a generous supply of "stress relief", if you know what I mean, and I do get at least one reward.

Two guys tonight. One really tall, kind of handsome, but almost fifty years old. Yikes. At least he was good at foreplay. The other guy was named Herbert or something unfortunate like that, weighing at least three hundred pounds and sweating like salami in the sun. I'm seriously surprised he didn't crush me during my "stress relief" activity.

The reward I was talking about was Zach. He came in late, about fifteen minutes before midnight. And when Sasha and Zoe saw him walking through the door, they pushed me onto that stage so hard I literally flew for three seconds there.

The golden pole stands in front of me. Only my second time working on it, but I think I'm okay at it. I mean, I'm no acrobat and I have no connections with carnies, but I do believe I have some basic talent.

The heavy, blaring, rock music pounds throughout the room. I can feel the bass through the cheap, wooden flooring. My audience is composed of a few drunks, a couple of regulars, some nervous teenagers, and, of course, Zach. He watches my display with mild, flirty interest as I perform.

I first dance up and down the pole to the beat of the rock drums, keeping my "tiger face" on: silent, fierce, and oh-so sexy. The nervous teenagers look like they're eyes are going to fall out of their sockets. Eventually, after working the perimeter of the stage, I work my way to the audience. Sasha was sweet enough to straighten my hair tonight, so it falls around my shoulders long and sleek, like a waterfall of platinum gold.

My first lap dance victim is the youngest of the nervous teenagers. He has curly brown hair, shallow brown eyes, and raggedy jeans stained with substances I don't care to define. Tonight, I'm wearing the purple outfit. When Zachy comes to watch me, I usually take advantage of my appearance. And my other coworkers don't mind. They know how important a lasting relationship with a "customer" is in this line of work.

With my hair tickling my shoulders, I sit down across the young guy's lap. He must be at least my age, or younger.

"Hey sexy," I say in my well-rehearsed, seductive stripper voice. "First time here?"

"Possibly my last," he manages to squeak out.

"Well," I smile at him, my teeth glinting in the low lights. "Maybe I can change your mind."

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