Chapter Twenty *edited*

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Chapter Twenty


I don't want to get up this morning. I want to stay under the protection of the covers and never ever get out. Never see another ray of sunshine again. I wish I could slip into unconsciousness and never wake up.

But there's a fine line between depression and laziness.

I know a good way to wake myself up. I really good way, in fact. The sharp pain of knife against bone should give me a head start.

There's a loose screw on the floor. Perfect.

I take the pointed end and jam it into the top of my arm. The pain blooms, like a budding marigold. A quick spurt of blood squirts out of me like a mini geyser. The quick stab puts me in my place, and my senses start to sharpen. My eyesight becomes clearer, and my ears start to catch a higher buzzing sound, and my taste buds start to awaken to the faint flavor of Lucky Charms.

And my nose. My nose starts to tingle. Something like vanilla fills the air, with a faint twinge of chocolate. It almost reminds me of when I first came into... oh my God. No. No way. Could it be...?

Cupcakes. I'm smelling cupcakes.

I don't know why I'm so excited. Hope flutters in my chest like a pigeon in a cage, and relief overwhelms my body like a tsunami. I race out of my room, down the hall, through the doorway, into the main living room. The refurnished area with the red couches. The mahogany table. And the scent, the sweet sweet aroma of cupcakes, grows stronger in the air still.

My eyes look towards the kitchen, unwillingly tearing up. This is what my home should feel like. Or, at least, smell like.

Castiel is pouring gigantic gobs of frosting onto the cupcakes. Flour lies underneath his nose like a mustache, and I have to stop myself from laughing out loud. He's really here. He came back!

The joy disappears, fading out of my system like drugs.

He came back.

"Castiel," I state simply. I don't feel happy anymore. I'm just focusing on the fact: he's back.

Cas's eyes light up with joy once he sees me. He trips his way out of the kitchen over towards my direction, and wraps his arms around me in an impossibly tight hug.

"Gracie Belle," he sighs. "I'm sorry about everything I said, I shouldn't have done any of that. As you're father, it's my responsibility not to let you down, and I did let you down."

"No... no, it's okay, you don't have to apologize," I say, frozen. I'm not hugging him back. "It's fine. You were right."

"No I wasn't, I was not right," he says, shaking my shoulders. "Love is not a mistake, and it's not all your fault, please know that. If this is anyone's fault, it's mine."

"It's fine, Castiel," I say, colder than intended.

He stops hugging me. He backs away, and his eyes look hurt, vulnerable.

"You're not happy to see me."

"Oh, no, I am," I say, still reserving my emotions. "Welcome back, Castiel."

"You're calling me by my name," he states.

"What else would I call you?"

"I like Cas. Or Dad, seeing as I'm your father."

"Not anymore. Remember?" I let a little bit of sass sneak into my voice.

His eyes falter to the ground.

"Right. Look, Gracie Belle, I'm sorry. I've been taking time to think about all of this... and I just want you to know that I'm there for you. I always will be; don't doubt it for a second."

"Thanks," I say, ice unintentionally filling my voice. "But I think I'm fine on my own."

I know that must've hurt. He's standing here, opening his heart to me... and I'm not even looking at it. I know I'm being a bitch, but I could care less. It's not like he doesn't deserve it.

My father opens his mouth to say something, but he's interrupted. The door squeaks open to reveal Serena.

Her hair is falling out of a very loose ponytail, and she stumbles into the room, her clothes slightly tattered and her eyes looking like glass.

"Rena?" I say, surprise flooding my tone. "What happened to you?"

She shakes her head, pressing into it with one palm. "I don't... I don't really remember." She's lying. But I'm not pressuring her here. Maybe later, when we're alone.

Serena lifts her head to face me, her eyes wide, round, and cracked with red. Her mouth falls open when she sees Castiel. Her lips erupt into an enormous smile, and I can see tears fill her eyes.

"Dad?" she half-whispers.

"Serena," he says kind of nervously. He probably thinks that she'll treat him the same way I did. I scoff at the thought. Serena lets herself feel.

"Oh my God, you came back!" Serena takes in a deep breath. "And you made cupcakes! I knew you wouldn't just abandon us. I knew it!"

She walks straight up to our father and hugs him almost as tightly as Castiel hugged me. She sobs into his shoulder as he hugs her back, amazed. I don't think he ever expected this kind of a result.

"Glad to be back, Rena," he says.

"Just don't ever leave again, okay?"

Castiel pats her back and laughs. "I promise."

Serena lets go of him, stands by his side, and faces me.

"Well?" she motions. "Come join the family!"

I cross my arms and give her the look. She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Oh, please. Don't tell me you gave him your 'I don't care' act."

"Her act?"

Serena laughs. "Where she pretends like she doesn't care but on the inside, she is really happy to see you. She had this boyfriend sophomore year, named... what was it? Jake? James?" I don't answer. "Whatever. It's just that he broke up with her, and she just kept her cool. However, one week later, she was suspended for punching him and his friends right where no man should ever be punched. It was really cool, actually. And funny, too. He totally had it coming, since he... Anyways, the point is, she gets in these moods where she pretends like she has a heart made of stone. In reality, she's just a big teddy bear. Come on, Gracie Belle! Don't tell me you aren't glad to see your own father."

I bite my tongue and start heading towards the back door.

"He's not my father."


It's Chapter Twenty already? Oh my gosh, I would like to thank everyone who's read this story, and for a very special fan who commented on a chapter I had to delete (it was an Authors Note).

So for some quick information, I would like to say that there are 36 chapters total in Innocence. I am planning on writing a sequel... But that depends on if the small amount of readers would like to see one :-)

So thank you again, and keep reading! I promise to update soon.

-- Petalsteps

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