Chapter 1

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I was trained as a soldier the moment I was able to hold a blade and by the age of six, I was fighting enemy shinobi that were decades older than me

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I was trained as a soldier the moment I was able to hold a blade and by the age of six, I was fighting enemy shinobi that were decades older than me. I was born in a time of war and from the moment I was brought into the world I was introduced to death. My mother was killed by a member of the Hagoromo clan not ten minutes after I was born when they infiltrated our camp. My father died when I was five by a member of the Uchiha clan in the middle of battle. After that I spent a lot of time alone when I wasn't on the battlefield and I did all I could to train myself to simply survive another day. When I was eight I came across a boy a few years younger than me that was training in the same spot I normally trained. I learned that he was the son of our clan's head and that he was going to enter his first battle the day after. I gave him all the tips I could and the next day I found myself infiltrating an enemy camp along side him. Five years later he was still my best friend and I had grown close with his family. I often spent my time training with his brothers or just trying to enjoy anytime we had that wasn't filled with corpses and screams of agony.

I was acting as a dummy for a jutsu that Tobirama had thought up when we got news that one of his brothers had fallen in battle. I felt my heart fall to my stomach as we ran to where they were burying fellow Senju that had died. Hashirama and Itama were already standing by Butsuma by the time we got there and I gasped slightly seeing all the graves that had been dug already. I wrapped one arm around Itama's smaller form in an attempt to comfort him as he cried and I felt him wrap one arm tightly around my waist as he wiped his eyes. Tobirama stood next to me and was as stoic as ever as he watched his younger brother get lowered into the ground.

"Kawarama..." Hashirama said breathlessly and when I looked into his eyes I saw shock and sadness

"Shinobi don't cry, they are born into this world to fight and die in battle! Be glad that we even have a piece of his corps left to bury because our enemies this time include the Uchiha clan in addition to the Hagoromo clan.. They are particularly merciless" Butsuma said and I felt Itama tense next to me so I hugged him a bit tighter

"Kawarama was just seven years old! How long!? How long are all these conflicts going to last!?" Hashirama yelled and this time I flinched at the sound of his voice..I had only ever heard Hashirama yell on the battlefield

"Until the very last foe has been vanquished, the path to a world that is free of battle is not easily paved" Butsuma muttered harshly and I frowned

"And children must be sacrificed" Hashirama said barely above a whisper. I heard a deep low growl come from Butsuma as he leaned over and punched Hashirama straight across the face. I had to clap a hand to my mouth to suppress the squeak of shock and fear as Hashirama fell straight back on his butt. I quickly let go of Itama and watched as Tobirama moved behind Hashirama either to help him up or protect him if need be

"I won't allow disrespect for Kawarma, he fought and died as nothing less than a full fledged shinobi, he was not a child!" Butsuma growled out and I felt a shock of fear surge through me merely but the look in his eyes as he looked down at his eldest son. Butsuma turned on his heel and went to walk away and we all quickly moved to Hashirama

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