Chapter 17

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I woke up feeling lips pressed to mine and I smiled sleepily as I leaned forward a bit

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I woke up feeling lips pressed to mine and I smiled sleepily as I leaned forward a bit.

"Since when are you up before me?" I mumbled, squinting my eyes open to look at Madara. He was crouched next to the bed fully dressed and his face was lit up with a small smile.

"Special occasion, come on I want to show you something" He said and I heard excitement in his voice but I groaned quietly

"What time is it?" I asked, looking around the dark room

"Five thirty" He said and I groaned again

"Can't it wait a few hours?" I asked, closing my eyes again but he just shook my shoulder

"No it can't" He said as he stood up and pulled the blankets off me. I whined and reached down for them but I just felt as Madara moved my legs to pull a pair of sweats on me.

"Although it would be bad to take you in just your underwear" He said lightly and I chuckled, keeping my eyes shut

"Carry me?" I asked raising my arms in the air and I almost instantly felt his strong arms move under me and easily pick me up off the bed.

"Shoes?" I asked and I felt him shrug as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders

"You probably don't need them" He said and I just leaned my head on his shoulder and let him take me wherever. When I felt him focus his chakra I opened my eyes only to see he was walking me up the side of the Hokage rock.

"Why are we going up?" I asked, looking into his dark eyes and saw happiness dancing behind them

"Just wait" He said just as we got to the top. He walked a bit forward before sitting down with me still in his lap. I reached my hand out behind him and grew a tree stump so he had something to lean against too and I felt his chuckle rumble through his chest before I heard the beautiful sound of his laugh

"You know I can sit up on my own" He said and I smiled against his robes

"I know, but it is more comfortable this way" I said as I nuzzled against him and wrapped my arms around his waist, stretching my legs out behind me. He moved his legs wider to accommodate me and I smiled slightly feeling the warmth of his body. It was quiet for a bit as Madara slowly ran his hand down my back and I was nearly asleep again when I felt him shake my shoulder

"Hey wake up or you'll miss it" He said and I whined

"Miss what?" I murmured but instead of answering he gingerly picked my torso up and turned me around so I was resting my back against his chest. I smiled at the colors that were painted across the sky as the sun started to rise over the mountains.

"It's beautiful" I murmured, reaching my right hand out to take hold of Madara's.

"You know I have never been particularly good at being romantic or wearing my emotions so openly" He said and I leaned my head to the side to look over at him

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