Chapter 14

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I woke up to the steady beeping of a mission and I sighed, recognizing the smell of ointment.. I felt a strong warm hand in mine and I expected to see Hashirama or Tobirama when I opened my eyes but I was met with a spike of black hair that I didn't expect. I let out a little, hoarse squeak of surprise and moved up in my bed taking my hand from his to steady myself in the process. His head lifted from the side of my mattress and from the look in his eyes he was asleep.. Or trying to be..

"Naria I'm sorry" he said immediately and I relaxed slightly against the pillows with my knees pulled tightly against my chest as I looked into his tired eyes.

"Where are Ami and Masura?" I asked, ignoring his apology

"Asleep" he said, nodding his head towards the curtain and I quickly got to my feet, feeling the unpleasant, cold tiles against my heels as I moved the curtain. Ami was laying flat on her back and Masura was curled up at her side with his head laying on her stomach. I closed the curtain and looked at Madara who was sitting at the side of my bed still looking up at me

"What happened?" I asked

"You blacked out and Hashirama brought you here then took me to speak in his office.. When I got here it was midday and they were already asleep" He said and I glanced out the window seeing it was nearly sunset again.

"Shit.." I murmured as I brought my hand up to rub my neck

"Where did you go?" I asked looking over at him and he frowned slightly

"I never stayed in one place long.. I went all over" He said and I nodded stiffly looking at the man I used to trust with everything

"What brought you back.. It obviously wasn't us" I said as I walked back to the bed and sat cross legged facing him

"To battle Hashirama... To destroy the village that failed to protect my brother" He said and I nodded

"Well at least you get points for honesty" I muttered as I let my face rest in my hands. It was silent for a minute and I glanced at Madara's hands through my fingers and saw that they were shaking slightly

"Why are you here?" I asked, looking up at his still frowning face

"I just told you" he said and I shook my head

"Why are you in this room.. Why aren't you out destroying the village" I asked

"You" He said simply and I nodded thoughtfully

"I don't want to destroy the village anymore.." He said after a minute

"That's good to hear" I said awkwardly and he reached out to grab my wrist loosely, I looked at him as he wrapped his warm fingers around mine, gripping my hand

"Naria I'm sorry" he said again and I nodded

"You don't have to keep saying it.. And I don't know if you expect me to forgive you right now" I said and his eyes saddened

"I don't care as much that you nearly killed me" I said and he narrowed his eyes confusedly

"You destroyed Ami when you left" I said

"I couldn't even tell her that you left.. For two years I kept the lie that you were on a mission and every day we would wait for you at the gate" I said and he bowed his head to look down at the mattress

"Masura spent the first five years of his life without a father and no matter how hard Tobirama and Hashirama try, they will never replace you.." I said, my voice wavering slightly as I spoke to the man I had wanted to talk to every day for nearly six years. I felt his hand grip mine a bit tighter, and I could no longer tell who's hand was shaking or if it was just both of us.

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