Chapter 19

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(Time skip something around three years)

I woke up to a soft crying and my door creaking open. I opened my eyes blearily and looked at the celing for a moment before turning my head to see what the noise was. I immediatly sat straight up, suddenly wide away as I looked down at Ami who was slumped on her knees in the doorframe.

"Mommy" She sobbed

"Ami what happened?" I asked quickly kneeling down in front of her, I removed her glasses so I could unstick her hair from her tearstained cheeks. She shook her head and buried her face in my shoulder, letting out another sob

"Naria?" Madara mumbled from behind me and I glanced back, seeing his form silhouetted by moonlight as he sat up. I felt Ami jerk in my arms and immediately got up and tugged her hand so she stumbled with me towards the bathroom.. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening as she huddled around my toilet.. I had been in this same exact place and if I was being completely honest I had to stop myself from chuckling as she leaned back and wiped her mouth.

"Why are you crying sweetie?" I asked as I scooted a bit closer to her and moved some hair behind her ear

"Because I'm barely eighteen" she whined and I actually let out a chuckle as I wiped her eyes

"So?" I asked and she lurched forward again. I rubbed her back soothingly and looked up when I saw movement by the door frame. Madara walked in and gently pulled her hair back and tied it in a loose bun for her at the base of her neck. His hand joined mine on her back as she leaned back again, choking out another weak sob

"Dadd" She whined, turning her body slightly so she could wrap her arms around his waist. He fell back against the wall and I covered my mouth so I didn't show the smile that spread across my face

"What's going on?" Madara asked as he rubbed her back soothingly

"Ami's pregnant" I said simply and I saw the hand she had fisted in his black shirt tightened its hold. Madara's mouth fell open as he looked at me over her shoulder

"Are you serious?" He asked, all signs of sleep gone from his voice and I nodded. Before he could say anything about murdering Kagami I sent him a warning glance and moved to lean my back against the wall next to him.

"Ami look at me" I said softly and she pulled her face away from Madara to do as I said

"I still don't understand why you are crying" I said finally and she shuddered again

"I'm a kid mom.. I still live with you. I still doodle on every single mission report I give to Uncle Hashi.. I still eat cereal right from the box and.. And I still play kids games with Masura.. I can't be a parent" she choked out and I smiled

"Those things have nothing to do with being a parent.. The first few years after I had you I was more of a child then half of the children in the Senju.. I mean, I still act like a big kid and there is nothing wrong with that" I said softly

"Plus the games you play with Masura are only going to help with having a child" Madara added, wiping the fresh tears from her cheeks

"Look Ami, I still got you beat by a few months.. I got pregnant with you the day of my eighteenth birthday and you are already so much better off than I was" I said, scotching a bit closer so I could rub her back softly

"There isn't a massive war going on.. You are living in a village that is safe.. You don't have to worry about sending your child to war when they turn six annnd have your parents to help you... you also have Masura who is going to be over the moon about this and if we aren't of any use to you then you have Uncle Hashi, Uncle Tobi and Auntie Mito.. but most importantly you still have Kagami" I said and she whined

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