Chapter 20

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"Okay sounds good" I said as I made my way to the door. Masura followed excitedly behind me after waving goodbye and we traipsed down the stairs. The first part of our journey was easy, the fortress Ryo stayed in was just inside the border of the land of fire, it took us a day and a half to find

"So Masura, what do you think we should do?" I tested as we dropped from the trees, the castle just within sight

"I think that we should wait until dusk to move any closer and we should spend time around the perimeter to find a weak point but also to scout out possible exit points and figure out how many guards the guy has" he said, not skipping a beat and I smiled widely ruffling his hair that now reached his shoulders and spiked out like Madara's

"Couldn't have said it better myself" I said feeling my chest swell with pride at how great of a shinobi my son had already become. As he said, we bided our time watching from a distance.. Neither of us were particularly strong with sensing so we couldn't get a solid count on how many threats there could be but with Masura's Sharingan he could pick out a few undesirable figures. Once night fell we approached the castle and split up silently to check around the perimeter. We met back up and decided the best way to go in would be the second floor window that was already wide open. There seemed to be less people on that level so it was the easiest point of entry. We silently made our way up the side of the building, masking our chakra the whole way up and I slipped in the window before Masura. If I was partnered with anyone else I would have decided to split up and search separately but I could not shake the maternal instinct to keep Masura close enough to protect in an instant if need be.

"Meld with the wall" I ordered quickly as I did so myself. We both disappeared into the wall easily and I watched as a hulking figure approached. When the dim light crossed his features I nearly choked seeing someone I remembered fighting during the war. He was neither Senju or Uchiha but Hagoromo, a clan that I believed had ceased to exist. Once he had his head turned to me I threw a senbon coated in poison at him and it embedded itself in the flesh at the base of his skull easily. Within seconds he hit the floor and I was thankful for Masura as he quickly caught the large man to stop his fall from being so loud. We made our way through the halls silently and I quickly pushed Masura to the wall when I heard a group coming. I peeked around the wall just enough for pollen to shoot from my mouth freely and surround the men. The all started choking and dropping to the ground like flies. We passed over their writhing bodies and moved to the stairs quickly going up them. I sighed quietly when I heard a scream downstairs and a few questioning sounds above us

"What was that?" Masura asked and I sighed

"We have only been tracking prominent chakra, I didn't think that this kind of place would have citizens" I muttered as I darted up the stairs, pulling out a few kunai in the process. I heard the tell tail signs of Masura's wip and as we darted out of the door at the top floor..I was not surprised to see a half circle of shinobi around us, all armed with one weapon or another.

"Kill them!!" Some snobby voice shouted off to the side and I smirked slightly to myself

"If you say so" I said just loud enough for the others to hear. That seemed to rile them up because in an instant four men surrounded me. I ducked below ones kunai and watched with glee as it imbedded itself into the man on the other side of me. I wasted no time in scattering my own kunai into the other three, each kunai hitting its mark straight into each heart. When I looked around I watched momentarily as Masura moved gracefully around each opponent's attack and delivered his own flawless strikes. Within moments the battle was over and bodies covered the ground. When I looked over at the man we were to assassinate he was sitting, his back pressed up against the back bored of his abundantly large bed.

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