Chapter 18 *Lemon*

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After a bit more time dancing and talking and drinking together.. Well at least the adults.. Everyone parted ways and as soon as we had finished saying our goodbyes Madara set a quick pace through to our house..

As soon as the door closed Madara wrapped me in his arms and pulled me flush against his chest. I leaned up to press my lips to his and the sparks that I felt throughout my body took the breath from my lungs. I felt Madara's hand travel down my back to grip my ass firmly as he walked me backwards until I hit the wall. He leaned away and I smirked as I moved from his grip and dashed to the stairs

"You coming Madara?" I asked in a lower tone than normal as I darted up the stairs. I made it to our room before I even heard his footsteps and as soon as he was in the room he closed the door and sealed it.

"Will you help me with this?" I whined, touching my pointer finger to my lip and tugging at my dress with my other hand

"My pleasure" he said, stepping forward. I shivered under his touch as he ran his hand down the line of my zipper. He leaned his head down to my neck and laid gentle kisses to the skin of my pulse point as his warm hands shoved the dress from my shoulders. I leaned my neck to give him more access as his hands trailed teasingly down my sides, leaving a scorching trail down my skin.

"I love you Naria" He mumbled and I moaned softly feeling the vibrations of his voice travel across my skin

"I love you too" I whispered, moving one hand to the tie on his robes and easily untying it and letting it fall to the ground with my own dress. Madara moved away from my neck to let me pull the robes over his head, leaving him just in pants. Madara looked down at my body and ran his fingertips up my stomach, just barely touching my skin

"Beautiful" he muttered almost absentmindedly and my heart fluttered seeing the look in his eye.

"Madara?" I questioned getting his attention. He looked up at me with his dark eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck, grabbing a fist full of his hair as I pressed my lips ferociously to his. He groaned and wrapped his arms around my back, feeling for my bra strap and easily undoing it with one simple motion. I moved my arms so my bra slipped off in between our heated bodies and once it was out of the way I relished the feeling of his smooth, hot chest against mine. I moved us around and pushed him back until he fell back on the bed and when I opened my eyes I felt my legs shake slightly at the sight before me. He was leaning on his elbows and looking up at me with his eyes darker than usual with lust. His skin was flushed and shimmering slightly with sweat as his chest heaved with each breath he took. His hair was messy and pooling behind his shoulders like ink. My breath caught in my throat and I knew he noticed by the glint in his eyes and the smirk playing across his lips

"Come here" He said in a deep husky voice and I crawled over him on my hands and knees. I leaned down to press my lips to his, tasting the faint strawberry flavor of the sake we had drunk earlier. I started to press open mouthed kisses down his jaw, making sure to brush my fingernails gently up his sides, feeling his firm muscles ripple under my touch.

"Do you know how much I have been thinking about being with you again?" I said, looking up at him and making sure he felt my breath against his stomach.

"So many late nights.." I muttered pressing a kiss to each of his abs.

"Naria" He muttered and I smiled against his skin, my tomach turning at the sound of my name being spoken so erotically from his lips. I licked up the scar that trailed off to the right side of his abdomen and I felt his skin grow warmer under my touch. I reached my fingers in the waistband of his pants and leaned up so I could pull them all the way off along with his boxers. He moved up more on the bed so that his legs were no longer hanging off and I nudged his legs apart so I could move in between them. Once I was between his legs I sat back on my heels and looked at the naked man spread in front of me.

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