Chapter 12

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(Time Skip a year and a half)

Time seemed to zoom by with everything that happened with the village and at home. Madara still stayed with us most of the nights of the week but he stayed with Izuna other nights to spend time with his little brother. Ami seemed to grow like a weed by the age of eight she stood a few inches taller and her hair now reached her mid back in pony tails.

I woke up with a little groan and rolled into Madara's chest a bit more to block out the sunlight coming through the window

"Don't you have a mission today?" He asked and I groaned again

"Barely a mission" I muttered as I leaned away and looked up at him

"Still a mission" He said with a little chuckle as he pushed me away from him. I made a whining noise and held tighter around his back to stay in the warmth of our bed.

"Come on Naria, you only have to keep watch for a few hours" He said with a little laugh

"Fine fine" I muttered as I let go of him and rolled out of bed.

"What are you up to today?" I asked as I changed into my black long sleeve and sweats

"Just hang out with Ami I guess, Izuna is on a mission" He said with a little smile as he watched me change. I giggled a bit as I crawled onto the bed and hovered over Madara, my hair hanging around my face

"You look so beautiful" He mumbled as he raised his hands to move my hair and cup my cheeks. I smiled as his thumb ran across my cheek and I leaned down to give him a kiss

"I better get going, I should be back around lunch" I said as I leaned up and he smiled

"Sounds good, I will make something with Ami" he said and I grinned down at him. I gave him one more kiss before slipping on my sandals and making my way down the stairs and out of the house. I made my way towards the front gate and when I got there I jumped to the top of the tower where there were two more men, one I knew was a Sarutobi and the other I recognized as a Hyuga.
"Hi" I greeted as I walked up towards the two

"Hello, I'm Hiroto Hyuga" A tall man with long dark brown hair said as he offered me his hand to shake

"And I'm Sho Sarutobi" The shorter man with short, light brown hair said with a smile

"I'm Naria Senju" I said lightly and I saw Sho's eyes widen slightly

"Why are you working the front gate? Aren't you with Madara Uchiha?" he asked

"And basically the sister of Lord Hokage?" Hiroto added

"I like having stuff to do" I said and they both nodded. It was quiet for a bit as we just watched to make sure that there were no threats to the village.

"Can I ask something?" Hiroto asked and I glanced over at him, trying not to stare at his pale eyes

"Yea sure" I said

"Is Madara as scary as he looks?" He asked and I chuckled

"I'm pretty sure he wants me to tell people that he is, but no he is actually very kind" I said lightly. Suddenly a familiar chakra appeared and I smiled as I jumped down from the wall to welcome back our team. My smile immediately vanished when I saw a figure limping weakly towards us.

"Izuna" I muttered as I ran up to him and caught him right as he started to fall forward, a small pool of blood collecting at our feet

"Oh good, Naria" He muttered weakly and I felt my heart hurt as I straightened him up

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