Chapter 4

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When we got back Hashirama delivered the news and everyone seemed happy that the was was finally over. That night everyone drank and laughed together now we had no more fights to be waged in the morning. Instead of going out and partying with the others I made dinner with Ami and listened s she described what she wanted our house to look like when we started building the village. After that we went to bed to the sounds of people cheering and laughing outside. The next few days seemed to fly by, Hashirama met with Madara and they officially signed papers for peace, after that we all started contributing to creating the perfect village. I had heard Hashirama's dream more times than I could count and I was happy to see his vision unfold in front of my eyes with each passing day. It was interesting to see both Senju and Uchiha working together to simply build houses and not argue or fight. Lucky for Ami and I, Hashirama built our house easily.. Making sure to accommodate all of Ami's preferences. Our house was right next to where Tobirama and Hashirama were to live, at least for the moment.

(Time skip four months)

Although building the village became a tedious job, it was definitely more enjoyable than being at war. I got to help Hashirama design some of the village structures and since Ami and I could manipulate nature we were put in charge of creating the training grounds. Being so busy I didn't even really see Madara, I may have passed him a few times when he was with Hashirama but I never stuck around long enough to talk.. Partially because it made me nervous.. I could easily take someone's life but I couldn't talk to a guy...

"Hey Ami I have to go talk to Hashirama" I called up the stairs and I immediately heard quick footsteps

"Wait wait wait" She said hurriedly and I laughed slightly when she came down with a hairbrush and bows in her hands. She held the items out for me and I set down my pile of papers to take them

"Bows now? You find a boy or something?" I asked as I started to pull her hair up

"No.. I just think they are cute" She said and I smiled slightly as I tied the red and black bows into her hair

"You look cute no matter what" I said as I finished up the second bow

"Thanks mom! I am gonna go look for Uncle Tobirama, he said he would meet me at the training grounds and show me a new water jutsu" She said excitedly and I smiled

"Okay sounds like fun, maybe you could teach it to me when I'm done" I said and she grinned

"Nah! I gotta stay ahead of you" She called as she ran over to the door. I laughed slightly as she sprinted out and down the small road.

"Goofball.." I muttered as I grabbed my papers and walked out of the house in the opposite direction to where the large main meeting building was.

Ami's Pov:

I ran quickly down the street and when I turned the corner I felt two hands quickly fall on my shoulders to stop me

"If you don't slow down you are going to hurt some poor old lady" I heard Uncle Hashi say and I looked up with a little laugh

"Sorry I forgot how old you were, are you alright granny Hashi?" I asked teasingly and I heard him boom with laughter. To his left was Madara and I was slightly surprised to see a content smile on his face.

"Hi Madara" I said cheerily

"I haven't seen you around the village, where is your mother?" He asked curiously and I looked to Hashirama

"She is supposed to be meeting with you" I said and his eyes widened slightly

"OH yea" He muttered as he quickly side stepped me

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