>crash course

He decided that it was meaningless, and that he ran out of creative juice, because the blank file remained a blank file. Namjoon sighed as he locked the door of their dorm, hopefully either Jimin or Hoseok had their duplicate keys with them, because it's going to be a long walk.

Earphones in his ears, his phone and a book in his satchel, and his hands to his pockets, he walked, and walked. Seoul is a really busy city, though it was beautiful with its splendid sceneries. It's fun exploring the city's beauty.

Even so, he's still an idol, and he had to cover up badly, wearing a cap, his glasses because he's got pretty bad eyesight, a black mask, scarf, and a giant coat, just to cover himself up. That part sucks, but he didn't mind. As long as he's alone and that he wouldn't get bugged by hidden cameras, and paparazzi. Oh, how he hates paparazzis.

Also, it's the middle of October, and Jimin's birthday was two weeks ago. It's starting to get cold.

His feet led him to the park, to Han River to be exact, that was not that packed with people.


He found a bench near a tree and sat on it. The scenery was stunning as ever, the skyscrapers connect the sky with the river. And with perfect cue on the music in his earphones, he took out his book and started reading. He started reading from the start because he forgot where he left off but he didn't mind. He'd read it anyway.

It was one of his favorite books, Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Expury. It's where he'd gotten the quote "If, for example, you came at four o' clock in the afternoon, then at three o' clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances." he'd written for the Flower Boys Bangtan High drama skit. It was a plain statement, sure, but it means a lot.

That led him to the thought, What if I did become an English teacher? He smiled at that thought, totally drifting away from what he's reading. Language is something really worth treasuring, because it's the only key of understanding one's mind. It's this spiritual connection from man to man. It made life a whole lot of different, it's easy to heal physical wounds but wounds from words took and will take almost a lifetime to heal.


He sighed, stopped pondering about that thought. It would be pretty rude to ignore a book you're reading. He hoped he'd remember that thought, that thought is really interesting to think about.

While he was reading, a person was walking near his bench, desperately looking for someone to talk to, and so she spots Namjoon, and she hurried to his bench.

"Ahjussi," Someone had called, but he was too absorbed to what he's reading and he can't hear her because his earphones were on full volume. The person frowned, "Yah, Ahjussi."

The person's hands, though they were quivering, tapped Namjoon's shoulder lightly. "Ahjussi. Ahjussi."

Namjoon was bugged with the tapping of his shoulder, so in annoyance he looked up but carefully took off his earphones because he might break it. His furrowed eyebrows melted into an arch, his expression confused when he saw the one who was calling out to him.

It was a woman, around her early 20's, probably around Jungkook's age, he thought, and her face was in a mix of scared and delighted.

"A-Ah, Ahjussi," The woman said with a shaky voice, "Ahjussi, can I sit beside you?"

Namjoon took a look around, eyeing the benches around. There are empty benches but it was weird that this woman was asking if she can sit beside him.

Nonethless, he nodded, not letting the curiousity get the best of him. The woman smiled in a genuine manner, genuinely happy. "Thank you!" and she sitted beside him.

Namjoon just shrugged as she sitted, not letting a word escape his lips because it's either he might get recognized or his curiousity would win this battle of don't-ask-or-lose.

Namjoon was about to open his book when the woman spoke up, "Ah, Ahjussi, I have a question,"

Namjoon looked at her, raising a brow, sending approval.

The woman smiled, "What's with the mask?"

Namjoon frowned behind his black mask. This is getting weirder and weirder, he thought.

Namjoon readied himself to change his voice for a bit. "I, uh, I have cough-" then he fake coughed. The woman then frowned for a bit. "Oh. But that's not the question."


"Okay. Ahjussi, do you happen to believe in a God?"

Somewhat in some way, dealing with Jimin is much more better than dealing with this woman.

What a crash course.

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