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>his concern

He stood by the edge of the bed looking at the disheveled Namjoon, snoring and sleeping soundly with his phone on his right hand. He sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly and muttered "This is bad," under his breath. "He's been oversleeping a lot more lately."

"Namjoon." He called.

No response.

"Namjoon." He tapped Namjoon's shoulders repeatedly, making sleeping Namjoon swat his hand away.

"Aish, this kid." He groaned and sat next to the sleeping man, went near to his ear and whispered "Wake up or you'll find no Ryan in your bed."

"AWAKE JIN-HYUNG, I'M AWAKE." Namjoon jolted up from laying and sat upright, his hand to his chest to collect himself from shock. He looked around to see his Ryan collection to be intact. He heaved down a great sigh and lightly slapped Jin on his arm. "Don't fucking joke like that, hyung."

"Language, Namjoon." Seokjin warned. "It's almost 9 AM and you're knocked out there. We got a lot to do, remember?"

Namjoon lowered his head down and put his free hand over his nape sheepishly. "Right. I'm sorry, hyung."

"Get up," Seokjin said as he does what he said, "There's breakfast in the kitchen. We gotta practice choreo for MAMA. Okay?"


"And, Namjoon?" Seokjin looked back to his dongsaeng, who's rubbing the sleep off his eyes and was seated at the edge of the bed, his phone still in his hand. He looked up to the older and asked, "Yes, hyung?"

"Can we talk in private after... practice?"

Namjoon stared at him blankly, probably his brain isn't functioning properly at the moment because he did just woke up to the terror of not seeing his Ryan plushies and the grudge of buying new ones. "Sure," He responded, not really processing what Jin asked him for, "I guess. I don't know, hyung but please do drag me after practice. I wanna go to a café later."

"You pay for your coffee, if that's the case."  Seokjin teased.

"Hyuuuuuuuuuuuuung~!" Namjoon whined, and Seokjin let out a chuckle.

"Fine, fine, but go get moving you sleepyhead." Seokjin walked his way back to the door. Clutching the doorknob, he took one last look to Dishevejoon, his official nickname to Namjoon who oversleeps. Dishevejoon was close to dozing off as he was leaning, smacking his face down the floor which ticked Seokjin for a bit.




Practice has ended, but the whole time Seokjin has been sending glances to Namjoon that occasionally became stares and that he messed the choreo up, but all of them went through it and everyone especially the maknae line was teasing their oldest hyung to be 'in love' with their leadernim.

Seokjin would retort "I'm not gay." but the maknae line would laugh and continued to tease Seokjin more until he threatened that he would burn all of their stuff and the maknaes went silent, leaving the practice room silent as Yoongi and Hoseok went out the moment practice has ended.

After that, Seokjin turned around to see Namjoon with excited eyes and said "Hyung's going to treat me coffee!" and the once silent room went all noisy again when Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin ran to Seokjin and said "TREAT US COFFEE TOO, HYUNG!", hugging Seokjin but Seokjin got off of their grip and said, "No."

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