
"Do you like magic?"

"I love it," I said.

"What do you love about it?"

"I like being able to practice at something and get really good at it. I like that I am in control. Whether the trick does or it doesn't work is only up to me. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or does or thinks."

Namjoon closed the book and laid his arms to his sides to rest. He's laying in bed, thinking of a lot of things. One of them is another book to connect to the next album, a good counterpart for Demian.

Another autobiography.

He pondered on the author's younger self's statement. 'I like that I am in control.'

Namjoon remembered himself at those words.

Religion is a delusion for weak-minded people. The ones who can't take control of their lives and can't stand the fact that they're alone in this world.

But then, we aren't fully in control of our lives.

His phone buzzed at the bedside table, making him look at Taehyung, whose is next his bedside table, fast asleep and snuggled in his blankets.

I wish I could sleep too, He thought. These thoughts won't fucking shut up.

He then took his phone, frowning envious of sleeping Taehyung, who is sleeping soundly in his bed.

He received a text from [Y/N]. His frown was still sticking on his face.


Are you up?

I guess.

I'm reading something, actually.

Gee what a bookworm

Can I call you?

Without hesitation, he tapped on her contact and dialed her number. After two rings, she picked up.

"At least tell you're calling before actually calling me," Her voice was tired and low, as if trying not to be loud enough because she might wake someone up, or maybe not to wake her parents up.

"Hold on," He said then hung up.


Can I call you?

Yeah hang on.

Then, Namjoon tapped on her contact and called her again.

"Hi, [Y/N], I called." He didn't even tried concealing his voice up, he's tired but he couldn't sleep.

That sucks.

"Funny," [Y/N] mumbled. "What were you reading?"

"It's in English," He said, looking at the book's cover that he held up.

"Boo," she said. A wave of silence washed through the two until [Y/N] spoke again, "Kyle,"

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