Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

“Chloe I really need your opinion about this dress! Prom is just few months away!” Jenna shrieked as she pulled me by hand towards the furthest end of the shop. She released my hand and I found myself standing against the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

It was navy, with a huge ribbon on it’s side, knee length and sleeveless. It was everything I had ever wanted in a dress.

“So what do you think?” Jenna was jumping up and down with excitement and I normally wouldn’t have dared to disappoint her when she’s like this but today I wasn’t even trying to fake it. I really liked the dress.

“Marvelous, stunning and totally beautiful” I answered. She looked at me with her big green eyes in a way of reassurance, “Are you sure Chloe? Do you think it’ll look good on me?”

“I’m sure” I replied.

I let her try it and of course she looking pretty in it. She payed it’s price which was pretty expensive, but Jenna’s parents are both so rich; it didn’t even matter to her how much that dress cost.

“Excuse me, but you dropped your purse” a deep voice behind us called so we both turned at the same time, and at the very same moment we were both thinking the same thought.


The guy didn’t need a second thought. He was hot, sexy and flawless. We were both stunned for a moment that we didn’t mutter a word. After what seemed like a couple of seconds I broke the awkward air between us and said: “Oh yes .. thank you”

Oh yes .. thank you.

Was the best response I came up with ..

He flashed at us an embarrassed smile and shook hands with both of us and introduced himself. Turns out that his name was Peter and he works here on weekends. That’s all we got to know about him because the next second he was called to serve a costumer.

“Who is he??” Jenna whispered ever so loudly in my ear.

“Peter deaf ass didn’t you hear him?” I answered her ridiculously as she raised her brow at me then dropped it. “I meant” she started “How come I have never seen him here?”

“Because we NEVER shop in here for the weekends” this time she stopped walking and looked at me blankly, a little red shade forming on her cheeks.

“You don’t have to be such as ass about it Chloe, I don’t know what’s happening to you.”

“What do you want me to do? You’re asking such stupid questions about a guy we had just met five seconds ago, he’s older than you, he works here, he flirts with probably every girl who steps in  and out and your still interested to know who he is? He’ll just break your heart”.

I said the last sentence with  venom in my voice I never knew I owned. She sighed then said :”How do you even know he’s going to dump me?”

I rolled my eyes, like seriously:”Jenna, honey, this dude was flirting with both of us in front of each other!”

“He didn’t even glance one in your direction Chloe!”


Okay so she was right. He had his eyes fixed on her the entire conversation and he was even trying to impress her indirectly. I obviously didn’t catch his attention. Okay I knew it. But for someone else to tell me that .. well, it certainly did sting my heart a little. And she didn’t even regret it.

Jenna left me standing there and turned her heels back towards me. “where are you going?” I almost screamed. “To get his number” she called back without even turning to face me.

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