Chapter Twelve:

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Chapter Twelve:

I went out jogging after I was back from school a little earlier than usual so I’ll have enough time later to say goodbye to dad. It was hotter of course, because the sun wasn’t down yet but I still had no excuse to cancel it.

The thirst for water was killing me so I stopped at the usual shop I buy water from, which was just around the corner, hoping this time that they have properly filtered water.

I was panting when I opened the door, but to my absolute luck it was very cool inside, so I asked the guy behind the counter for a two bottles of freezing water.

“I’ll give you an ice-cream for free to apologize about last time, I mean the water problem”

See why I loved this place so much? They actually cared about their costumers.

I shook my head and said: “Thanks a lot but ice-cream is now on my banned list”

“Give it to me instead” a familiar voice said from behind me and to my absolute shock it was Matthew.

“Of course sir, I’ll make order another one for you”

Matthew raised his hand and protested: “No. I want hers and she gets nothing”

I flipped my head to his direction so fast I thought I heard my neck crack and gave him a death glare.

“Can’t you buy your own food Matthew? I believe you have the money for that”

He smirked, “Nope I want yours”

The guy came back with an ice-cream for Matthew but he refused it taking mine instead and going out of the shop. I payed the guy behind the counter the money for the ice-cream but he returned it unless I wanted to take another ice-cream for myself. I apologized and ran out after Matthew.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you?” I said to him impatiently now walking besides him. He let out a laugh clearly enjoying himself.

I felt flames burn inside of me as I saw how cool he was acting. My eyes flicked to the ice-cream and to my surprise he didn’t even lick it once. Okay I’m genuinely confused right now.

“Aren’t you going to eat that?” I asked my shoulder touching his for a second.

“Nope” He said popping the p and passing the ice-cream to me. I took it with a puzzled look on my face.

“Matthew are you mental?”

“Nope” He said it again now his hands in his pockets.

“So you bought my ice-cream and took it making everyone think you are going to eat it but to return it to me later?”

He held his finger then said: “Technically you bought it and no, I wasn’t going to eat it. I just wanted to test something”

“And your conclusion is?”

He drew and an invisible loop in the air with his forefinger saying: “You, don’t want a thing when you have the choice but when someone takes it you finally want it”. Towards the end of his sentence he drew his finger to my nose and touched it with the tip of his finger.

I rubbed the place where his finger touched my nose and he burst out laughing.

“So your amazing conclusion is based on an experiment with ice-cream?”I said sarcastically. He nodded for a second then said:

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