Chapter Nineteen:

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Chapter Nineteen:

Yesterday night after Matthew left my house, I made my decision. It was an easy one seeing that Matthew was already with someone.

When Matthew came to my house the next day to help me with school work I thought I could control myself when I’m with him, but  I couldn’t focus on my work at all because he was distracting me with his existence even though he was just sitting trying to learn some weird medical terms. He would put one leg on the other and concentrate on the paper like it was the only thing in the room. I would soon get jealous of that stupid paper he’s holding and would observe his broad chest and lift my eyes all the way up to his toned strong arms, then up his face which was my favorite part. Suddenly he would catch me staring at him and smile his adorable smile sending me into oven mode.

“It’s because you lied Matthew. You don’t have a girlfriend”

I observed his reaction closely, I knew he didn’t have a girlfriend when he told me he did. Now the question was why did he lie?

Deep inside of me I hoped he would agree to it, but I couldn’t help wanting him to deny it so that I won’t have to go back to square one, back to the hard decision between him and Marc. I waited for him to say something but he just fixed his gaze on me. I rolled my eyes for a second before demanding an answer again from him:

“So you do have a girlfriend or not?”

He shifted his eyes to his hands then said calmly: “What difference will it make?”

“A lot actually. It would make my life easier”

“So it’s always about you Chloe isn’t it?”

I froze for a second at his unusual tone. He lifted his eyes up to my face and said sternly:

“You just love taking control over two pathetic guys don’t you?”

“I’m not taking control over anybody”

I hated the way this conversation was starting, gradually but soon enough we would both start fighting.

“You are Chloe. You think we both can’t live without you right? Or let me speak up for myself at least”

I felt a throb rise up in my throat but swallowed it as I collected my confidence and coolness.

“Oh so you finally came out of that nice cover of yours”

He shook his head then said suddenly: “You don’t understand it Chloe do you? You can’t force anyone on yourself. It’s not a matter of choice!”

“Then what is it?”

“I know it sounds cheesy and everything but you have to listen to your heart in here.”

“And that’s one of the reasons I won’t date you”

“You kissed me Chloe”

“That was a stupid mistake”

“It still doesn’t change the fact that you did kiss me”

“I did okay! Yes I kissed you but I will not repeat it again! Because I’m going to be a good loyal girlfriend”

“For an asshole like Marc”

I glared at him then hissed: “You are unbelievable Matthew! You detest me and you probably just felt like coming here for a company and that’s it! Why do you keep arguing about this topic!”

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