The Tension

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When the internet went back on,we went right back into my living room to play some more on my Xbox.Kahl just wouldn't quit,he's so stubborn.But I'm not complaining,after all I love a challenge,
and I love him.He was so determined to beat me that he stayed up with me until 2:00 am.
And now,he was sleeping on my couch.Completely unaware of what my true intentions were for him.How stupid of him.I should probably kidnap and embarrass him now so I can just get it over with.
"Maybe you aren't a bad person after all."-Kyle
I felt a sharp pain in my chest so I started to move uncomfortably.
On second thought,I'll do it later.Besides,there wouldn't be much of a reaction from a tired jew anyway.I'll wait until he doesn't have any plans like that nerdy after school shit.And I can use that time to further improve my plan.

Disappointed at my decision and finding that I have nothing better to do,I stare at Kahl.He looks so...peaceful.His body was was practically sitting on my couch while he was sleeping,but I guess it wasn't that weird since his head was slightly tilted like how a toddler would sleep in a car.His breathing was soft but subtle and his curly hair covered a good proportion of his forehead and cheek.I immediately had an urge to kiss him,but I was hesitant.You would think that's normal,but for me it's different.The thing is I've kissed him a few times before.

Well,not really.

Whenever I snuck into his room I would give him a quick peck on the cheek and leave.
I even did it last night when I was attempting to find Kahl's diary,but no.I had an irresistible urge to kiss the ginger,on the lips.
And when I have these "urge's",I don't fight it.
I cure it.

I carefully pinched Kahl's nose to figure out if he was actually sleeping or not.When I did this Kahl opened his mouth slightly to breathe and shifted his head.
I then gently pushed Kahl down the couch so I could go on top of him.I looked at the sleeping kike and my face reddened in shame.
Its only a quick kiss on the lip stop being a gay hippie pussy Eric!
God how I hated hippies.

I lifted his chin up and felt my lip slowly brush around his.I stood there for around five seconds.I could feel myself about to doze off,but then I thought of the possibilities that could happen if Kahl woke up. The jew would probably never look or interact with me again.Just as I was about to get off of him,

I felt arms wrap around my back.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

Please tell me he isn't awake.
I instantly looked at him in fear,but my expression changes back to normal.To my relief,his eyes were closed.To my discomfort,he was pulling me downer so I could become his personal teddy bear.I mean,I would love to become his personal teddy bear,but then that would mean he would end up waking up with me in his arms.And I know how skeptical Kahl can get when he's confused.
He either questions the shit out of everyone or he can dive way too deep into his brain and come up with an actual conclusion which can either be right or come up with something that'll make him look like a lunatic.
Plus I can't make myself look like a homosexual piece of crap in front of him.

So,I tried moving Kahl's hands away from me.His grip just tightened.Well this is a crappy situation.
Since he wouldn't let go of me I tried moving myself off of him.This made the situation even more shitty because now I'm laying on the floor,and now he was the one on top of me.

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