Completly Exposed.

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(Sorry for the long update guys!This chapter is gonna have a lot of episode references from the show so sorry if you don't get them.Probably the last chapter guys.I hope the ending isn't too shitty.)

Kyle awoke to the sound of chains rustling around his wrists.He couldn't move his arms,or legs.The boy looked around his surroundings.This,was Cartman's basement...

"You finally woke up."Cartman said,getting off of his aeorn chair approaching Kyle's chained up body.

Kyle blinked twice,making sure that the situation that he was being put in was settled into a reasonable perspective through his eyes,before saying anything too vague to Cartman.

"What am I doing here?"Kyle asked angrily,eyeing the brunette that was standing a few inches away from him.

"Oh,nothing much.I just wanted us to listen to some of your secrets together."Cartman said in a mischievous tone,holding the fabricated diary in front of Kyle and waving it in the boy's face.

Kyle's eyes widened.His first instinct was to take it off of the boy's hands immediately.He tried to take the diary from him with his arms.Forgetting that he could not possibly do so with how he was positioned now,all he did was make the chains clash repeatedly against eachother and made his head stick out more as he shifted his body furiously.Did he really chain Kyle's body up like this?

"Now now Kahl,we can't have you attempting to maul me like a bear can we?"Cartman leered,saying this in a mocking tone.

"Give me it back fatass.Now."Kyle growled

"Nope!This is an opportunity that's way too juicy for me to pass up.And you probably shouldn't call me that.Know your limits jew."

Kyle had a rush of both anger and panic over flow him.

"Now let's see...which page should we start off with..."Cartman mumbled
The brunette randomly skipped and flipped off pages for a moment until he found a page to read.Cartman cleared his throat and began to read in a babyish tone.

"October 6th.
Dear Diary,Today I met a girl.At first I thought she was nice.But then I realized that she was an ad that was just taking advantage of me.Must've been why PC Principal broke her face.Her name was Leslie."


Cartman skipped to the next few pages back,not caring about some girl Kyle had a relationship with seeing that she was already dead.

"September 20th
Dear Diary,I am mortified.Ike admitted that he wasn't a virgin and that he slept with his kindergarten teacher,Miss Stevenson.I swore not to tell anyone,but this is just wrong.Very,very wrong.I won't underestimate Ike ever again.The worst part was that he told me this right after we witnessed our parents doing it last night.."

Cartman paused for a moment,staring at the words blankly.Then started laughing horrendously.
Kyle glared at Cartman with absolute hatred,redness spreading his face.

"Kahl...You're brother really is a dildo.

"Don't talk to me."The emerald eyed boy scoffed

Cartman wiped the faint tears off of his face.

"That's fine.Be that way,because we're gonna be here for a while Kahl."

Kyle averted his eyes away from Cartman



February 13th,
Stan and Wendy keep telling me about how Bebe has been checking me out lately because of my ass,again.I guess that explains all the cat callings I've gotten from her,and the touching ,and the weird compliments about my ass cheeks.
She scares me.But in all honesty I'm not into her.
Should I consider this harassment?"

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