"Excuse me, miss? Would you mind moving your feet please?"
I couldn't register the voice, did Hazz's voice change alrready? Wait. He had called me miss.. What the hell Hazz?
I opened my eyes.
Oh. I had forgotten I was on a plane to London, stupid Dai.
I moved my feet and then looked to my left and saw that Paul was still asleep. Guess he would sleep for the whole trip..
I sighed. Hazz and Jazz were the twins, the only ones who didn't give me some kind of burden. I missed them, I would never grow up to see Hazz get girlfriends or Jazz get boyfriends..
I got up to go to the toilet, and after I was done, I quickly got back to my seat and back to my baby.. Or my iPod.. Call me ridiculous, but my iPod actually had a name: OllyBen. The Ben part was after Ben Bruce from Asking Alexandria, of course. And Olly was for Oliver Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon.. Put it together and you got OllyBen. Other than that, I liked the name Oliver to much.
I hit play again and started to hear the music flow to my ears.. But then I heard different lyrics, I knew them.. But they weren't of my favorite bands so I really didn't listen to them much, the only reason they were in my iPod was because of Jazz.. She really liked them, wait no. She WORSHIPED them, she would never shut up about these guys..
"If I'm louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down,
In my arms and rescue me.."
Yes, One Direction.. The only band I kind of liked from any other genre of music, I had to admit they were pretty good, and the tune was catchy.
I didn't know their names or stalked them, but I new a bit of some of them because Jazz never shut up about them.
I had a sudden memory, kind of blury, that somehow made me turn to look at Paul.. Was he somehow connected to these boys?
Naa.. Just overreacting.
I closed my eyes as the song ended and Graveyard Dancing from D.r.u.g.s came up; I was anxious to sleep in a real bed..
And then, I fell asleep, again.
"Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing shortly. Thank you for you attention" A cool voice said.
I sat up straight, god, how much had I slept? Ugh. I looked at Paul and saw that he was still asleep.. How much could that dude sleep?!
I got up to go to the restroom before it was too late. I splashed fresh water on my face, re-applied makeup, and brushed hair, putting it up into a simple, high pony tail. Then I changed my shirt into a print shirt of All Time Low, and finally got out of the restroom. I went back to buckle up my seat bealt.
Ten minutes later we had finally landed.. Now it was time to wake up Paul.
"Um.. Uncle Paul?" I whispered
"We're here.. Wake up!"
"Go away Lou, I'm not going to buy you carrots at this hour.." He mumbled and swated at my face.
Ok that was strange.. Who was Lu, and what was up with the carrots?
Maybe Lu was his wife.
"Paul, it's Dai, we need to get out of the plane.." I replied dryly
"What? Oh. Yeah, yeah, let's get outta here.. I need some sleep.." He mumbled. What? More? God, seriously, how much could this guy sleep?
After collecting our luggage, we went outside and waited for a cab. I really wished it would hurry up cause I was literally freezing my ass off.
Finally a cab rounded our corner and with some small cheesy talk, we loaded the luggage it the back.
"Listen Dai, I'm gonna drop you off with the boys at the house and I'll be back in a couple of hours, 'kay? I just need to run a quick errand, and then I'll go back, the guys will show you around meanwhile" He said, looking out the window when we had finally gotten inside
"Ok" I answered simply. I hoped that they wouldn't be socially akward like me.
I actually did like to talk, but just with people I didn't know much or people who was really nice to me. But since the people from my school didn't really appreciate my existence, I mostly kept to myself.
Ok I lied, I loved talking, interacting with new people.. But the kids from my school never gave me that opportunity to show them there was more to me than my 'abnormal style' and my 'emo-ness'.
I mean, yeah I'm a bit shy, but only when I'm just meeting someone for the first time. After I gain their confidence, they will wander what happened to normal, shy, 'emo' Dai.
Ok, leave out the emo part, I don't like to be called emo.
The cab countinued to drive through the city and I couldn't help to be impressed. London at night was seriously something impressive and beautiful at the same time.
I sighed.
"Everything ok?" Paul asked
"Yeah... It's just, it really is quite a sight" Referring to the beautiful light-filled streets
"Just wait to you see Paris.. You'll fall in love" He chuckled and sent a wink my way.. Maybe Paul wasn't going to be so bad after all.
Wait, Paris?!
Then I remember he said we would be traveling alot; I guess it had to do with this band of his..
I smiled at him and turned again to the window, completely absorved in the scenery.
Another fifteen minutes later, the cab stopped in front of this huge house. And I mean HUGE. It had to be more than three floors!
I got out of the cab while Paul took out my luggage from the trunk, and he quickly dialed a number.
"Yep, we're outside, I got a meeting right now so she's all yours.. Nononono, she's totally in charge, no buts', no.. Not THAT kind of butt.. Ugh, just come and open the door.. Goodnight" Paul hanged up and turned to face me
"Well, your all set. Remeber you're in charge, don't let those boys get to you.. They can get really charming just to make you say yes.." He said
I smiled. "'Kay, I'll keep that in mind, thanks for everything.." I said lowering my voice
"It's my pleasure.. Oh and Dai?" He walked over to the cab and started to get inside
"Yes?" I turned to face him
"Welcome home" He stated simply with a smile, and next thing I knew, the cab was half-way down the block
"Home.." I repeated in a whisper.
It felt like a foreign word.
*Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter*
"Well. Here you go Dai.." I said to myself as I trotted down the walk to the house, and was about to ring the door bell, when the door opened before me.
"Hello there, you must be Day" A husky voice said..
What did ya guys think?:)
Remember, comment, fan, vote:)
I know it's a little, but thanks for all the 37 reads and 2 votes. I really hope you guys enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
'Kay bye.
P.s. I'll upload again in like two days, cause I'm going camping, and going to the warped tour on wednesday.. Yay(':
Kay bie guise:)

Going the Right Direction(A One Direction Story)
FanfictionDai Hutcherson (no, she's not related to Josh Hutcherson..) is a 17 year old with problems and demons of her own.. With anxiety and constant depression, who wouldn't subdue to cutting? Dai certainly did.. But what happens when her "parents" apparent...