A/N I forgot to mention, I like to use strong words when I'm writing.. So if you're gonna be hating for bad language.. Please just don't read the story and carry on.
Chapter 1.
*Dai's POV*
It couldn't be.
No way. Maybe it was just a prank, wasn't it?
I clutched the piece of paper tighter in my hand.
I was kneeling on the stone floor of my room again, in front of the mirror; never have been
a fan of carpets, I had insisted on keeping my rooms floor made of stone. But that was not my point.
There was blood running through my arms, it was honestly, nothing new.
After all, 7 constant years of running a razor trough my body was old news; even my parents knew.. But they thought it was just for attention, they never really cared that their little twelve year old cut herself every day.
I was indifferent to the pain now; it helped lessen the emotional pain at least.
I stared down at the piece of paper, again. They HAD to be kidding me.
I read it again:
It's time for us to leave and let you on your own. I know it sounds un-logical, and you might think we're leaving without an explanation, but you're wrong.. Here it is:
We're not your real parents.
I know, that didn't give us an excuse to treat you the way we did all those years, but whatever, our contract just said to keep you safe.
You also may be wondering why we're telling you this through here and not in person.. Well, we can't answer that, sorry. Oh, and Jazz and Hazz? Yup, they are your real brother and sister. When the time comes, you'll be reunited with all three of them again.
For now we're taking them, but then, when the time comes, we'll dump them with you again, I don't know how much more we're allowed to say.. But you're destined for big things Dai, so make the right choices and cut the crap with all that stupid cutting; we don't want people to keep thinking you're an attention whore(which you are). We're kinda glad we're finally getting rid of you, as we know you will be to getting rid of us.. And I quote, thank God we're not dragging and attention whore as yourself anymore.
Well, good luck in life.
-"Mom and Dad" and Jazz and Hazz
P.s. I almost forgot.. Paul is going to pick you up some day in this week, so I suggest you start packing.. You'll refer to his as Uncle Paul, got it?
What the fuck? How could they be so.. Cold? I went numb again, remember every moment they had been this cold and tactless with me.
I unconsciously slid the metal razor against my skin, just one more time..
I wasn't cutting myself because they left, I didn't care much about them anyways.. It was because of Jazz and Hazz. I really loved those kids.. My only real relatives in this world, I guess. Sigh.
This was the first time I had actually gotten from school kind of happy. I had passed my French test with a B+ and I was really proud of myself, cause I suck at French.. I also was happy because in half a month was going to finally be my 18th birthday...
My attention went back to the letter.
So they didn't need to be dragging an "attention whore" such as myself...
I quietly laughed. They thought I actually cut myself for attention. But I didn't. I was next to Ely, when the stray bullet hit her. That was how she died, a stray bullet. Directly to her heart. Those memories, of seeing my best friend dying, I knew they would be printed in my mind for my entire life. Then came the abuse and coldness from my own family.
Cutting made the images blur. The physical pain blurred the emotional one.
I was now truly alone. How would I continue with my life? I wouldn't be able to keep paying the private school I attended; I wouldn't be able to keep paying bills, taxes, electricity, and food.
I didn't mind losing school, I guess; my parents never really even encouraged me to keep my grades up, anyways. And this this uncle, Paul, would he really call?
But enough of that, there was something really off.. Destined for great things? Right decisions? Three of them?
I only had Jazz and Hazz for siblings, and they were twins.. Maybe it was just a mistake and they wrote down three instead of two.
As for the greatness thing.. It just didn't make sense. Maybe they were just having a laugh.
The music from the speakers next to me was so loud, I almost missed the ring.
I had this tendency of blasting Asking Alexandria and Bring Me the Horizon and D.r.u.g.s and bands like that at full blast while I was alone. They were my only company. And although my family.. I mean, whatever they were; had a dislike for my music (specially Jazz, Hazz didn't mind much), I didn't care and continued listening to it.
But where was I? Oh yeah, the phone was ringing.
I turned A Prophecy, from Asking Alexandria down, and went to answer the phone.
"Hello?" God, why did my voice shake so badly?
"Hi, am I talking to Dai Hutcherson?" An un-known voice answered.
"Oh, I didn't know you still had the British accent.. Oh well, hi Dai, I'm your uncle Paul.
Paul Higgins.
What did you guys think?:)

Going the Right Direction(A One Direction Story)
FanfictionDai Hutcherson (no, she's not related to Josh Hutcherson..) is a 17 year old with problems and demons of her own.. With anxiety and constant depression, who wouldn't subdue to cutting? Dai certainly did.. But what happens when her "parents" apparent...