The Dark Angel~ Facing His Rath

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I smiled as the carriage rode away, Alois smiling and waving back while Claude starred at me, not even looking at the road. With a sigh, I turned and looked at the Lang's manor before me, having to walk almost half a mile, but of course being a dark angel had it's perks.

Shooting off down the road, I soon caught sight of the sparkling windows of the Phantomhive manor, and soon the gravel drive that was lit up during the night. My feet slowed by themselves and I fixed the maid's hat so it looked like I was just caught up in some wind and not running like the road runner. Feeling that free was nice, having to always act like a slow human was sometimes boring.

Walking down the drive, I heard Finny screaming something. " Clara, look out!" I snapped my head to see a table rolling towards me as alarming speed. Bracing myslef, I held out my hands and spaced my feet apart. The table came crashing against my hands and slightly pushed me back, sending dust almost everywhere. I took my hands off and examined them, just slight bruising was all. Finny ran to me and with tears just collecting in the corners of his eyes.

" Whats the matter Finny?" I asked him. Finny perked up with a questioning look.

" That didn't hurt you?" he asked. I laughed and ruffed up his hair. God he was drop dead adorable.

" No, just a bruise. Now the questioning manner..." I turned to the table with my hands on my hips. " What on earth are you doing with a table out here?" Finny laughed and put his pointer fingers together and blushed.

" I was trying to stop Sebastian." he said. I laughed and put an arm around his shoulders.

" Just put it in the backyard and we'll get it later." I said. Finny nodded and picked up the table and laughed while going to the back to get rid of it. I chuckled and walked up the steps and opened the door, placed my outside shoes down, and slipped on my inside shoes. Once I straightened up, I came face to face with the worlds angriest demon I have ever seen.

" Your late, I smell Undertaker, and something else so revolting that I don't even what to say it." Sebastian said. I raised an eyebrow and looked into his crimson eyes.

" I was offered a ride, they-" I was cut off my Sebastian pushing me against the wall and started to feel my sides. Now a true annoyance was really driving me insane. " What the hell are you doing!" I yelled at him. A smirk crossed his eyes and he pulled away, a single spider on his finger, desperatly trying to get away.

" This was on you. I was simply getting it off." Sebastian pulled off his glove and smushed the spider between his fingers then wipped them off with a handkerchief.

" I had my suspections about him, now you confirmed it I won't have to ponder any more." I said as I handed him the basket full of food.

" A spider demon then. Why don't you get that smell off of you, it's making my nose burn." I smiled and walked off to my bedroom, glad to get the maid's outfit off, but that was my only one. Having to wear a simple dress was fine by me.

Third POV:

Finny, Baldroy, and Meyrin all leaned against the door outside of Clara's and Meyrin's room. Finny glared at Baldroy as he rolled up his sleeves and was about to enter the room.

" Do we really have to do this?" asked Finny. Baldroy smiled and grabbed the door knob.

" You see how Sebastian payed attention to her when she had that spider on her, just imagine what he would do if she was in trouble, or if Meyrin got ahold of her." Baldroy turned the knob slowly and peered inside to see Clara just pinning her hair back out of the way. Baldroy smiled and tiptoed to her back and grabbed her from behind, putting a hand on her mouth to keep her from screaming.

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