The Dark Angel ~ Black Butler Fanfic: Chapter Four

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" Ronald, Eric, Allen, thats enough. Let her go." William said. The weapons lowered and I could finally see the three grim reapers that pinned me to the wall. They could also see me finally. The one with the clippers similar to Williams took my hand.

" I'm so sorry miss. I'm Allen, pleased to meet your acquaintance." He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. He let my hand go and the one with the lawn mover shook my hand next.

" I'm Ronald Knox. Young reaper and partier in the house." Ronald said. He let it go and next was Eric. He didn't take my hand like the other ones, instead he traced my jaw with the pad of his thumb and lifted my head up to look into his green eyes

" I'm Eric. If your bored, come by sometime sweetheart." Eric said. The click of shoes came towards me and grabbed my arm. I was pulled away from Eric's grasp and felt the strong embrace of Undertakers arm wrapped around my shoulders and his strong chest against my back. I stood and looked at the other reapers as Undertaker rested his chin on top of my head.

" We came here because of the mission I asked you to do, not to get yourself a girl." Undertaker said.

" Right." William said. He pushed his glasses up higher on his nose and opened his book that he always held. He thumbed the ought be pages and came across the bookmark in the book. He cleared his throat.

" Clara Phantomhive. Age twenty two, family: Phantomhive, kidnapped: brothers tenth birthday, status: alive." William said. I smiled in excitement. She was still alive and well, but I wonder where she is right now?

" Where is she?" I asked.

" We don't know right now. We can go to the reaper library and look through the books for her location." William said as he closed the book. A single puff of dust came from the pages.

" Well should we go?" I asked.

" There's a catch." Undertaker said.

" What?"

" Dark Angels aren't allowed in the building, or nearly anywhere near the area." Undertaker said. He reached to my head and petted my soft hair.

" How can I get in?"

" You can go out on a date with me and then I can smuggle you in there." Eric said. He smiled a big Cheshire Cat smile.

" No." William said. He hit Eric on the head with his shears.

" I can get you in, but it's going to cost you something." Undertaker said.

" Okay Undertaker." I said.

" Very well, you can come to the library when she has payed you. We'll go to the library and wait for you." William said. They left and closed the door, causing the bell to ring again. They jumped onto a roof and soared through the air. I sighed.

" What is the cost Undertaker, a best laugh, a coffin fitting, what?" Undertaker swept me in his arms and carried me to a coffin lid. He sat the lid down and then sat down with my on his lap. He seemed to always hold me like this. He didn't play with my dress of my hair like he usually does, he is serious this time.

" Clara. The price for this little mission is that you will never leave me. I don't care if you do go with Sebastian, I know that that demon can be trusted, it's just I don't want to say a final goodbye to you." Undertaker said. No wonder he always was around me when we visited his shop for information, or when at the funeral, he stopped in the middle of his work and joined me.

" Oh Undertaker, I promise I won't leave you... ever." I said. Something changed in the visible green eye through his bangs. Just like that he threw his arms around my waist and lifted me up off my feet. I clung onto his neck and hugged him back. Undertaker had stood up when he hugged me and I wiggled my feet to try and reach the floor. Man was Undertaker tall. Undertaker sat me back on my feet after thirty seconds of silence in his embrace.

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