The Dark Angel ~ Wait, a Prince!

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Clara moved ahead of Sebastian and Ciel, the dirty cobble stones slightly staining her skirts with soot and dirt.  Clara really didn't like Sebastian dragging her along to investigate Indian people for murders.  Clara would much rather be at Undertakers trying to find that one location where she worked so hard to get. Grell said that he would take her, but who knows what that red head would do.

"Why did you have to drag me along?" Clara called back to them, mostly to Sebastian.  Ciel's eyes slightly widened in shock, then glanced back at Sebastian.

"I thought you told me that she wanted to come along."  Ciel said.  Sebastian drilled holes into the back of Ciel's head with his eyes.  Clara could guess that now she would get punished for that, probably cleaning up after the three stooges.

"Give me a review of the case again?" Clara glanced behind to Ciel.  Before he could even answer, Clara ran into a heavy object.

"Hey, you nearly broke my ribs!" cried an Indian man.  Everyone was shocked by this, except for Sebastian and Clara.  Both knew that Clara break all his bones with a single kick.

"I didn't mean to sir, I just-"

"The hell with that!" the man raised a piston straight at Clara's head.



cool sound affect here *BOOM*

The gun went off with a deafening crack.  Clara's ear just rang, muffled ahh's reached her drowned eardrums.  She expected Sebastian's black tailcoat, which she did see his chest as he gripped her tight, but also a wrapped hand over his shoulder, angleing the gun towards the sky.

"What the... RUN!" everyone ran as the gun was let go and bullets was emptied out onto the street, their clinking barley heard by Clara.

"Clara are you okay?" asked a fear stricken Ciel.  His face whiter then it usually was.  Clara couldn't make out what he was saying only murmers. (if you are having a hard time earing this sound, just imagine the parents with Charlie Brown).  Clara had a very confused look on her face, then Sebastian realized her temporary deafness.

"Young Master, it has seemed that Clara can not hear you right now because of the loud noise the gun made." Sebastian said, then turned to Clara to translate what Ciel said.  He simply leanded down and kissed Clara.  Clara pulled away from him and punched him in the jaw, and then spat in his face.

"She okay, Young Master." Sebastian said as he wiped away the spit.

"Are you okay miss?" asked a young Indian boy, maybe a couple of years older then Ciel.

"She can't hear you." Ciel said.

"Why not?"

"The sound made her temorary deaf.  It should return soon."  Ciel looked at the gun shells that was dropped onto the street.

"Agni, use your Right Hand of God." said the boy.  The man with the wrapped hand nodded and reached up to Clara's ears, only to be stopped by a furious Sebastian.

"I don't mean to harm her, only to help her." the man said.  Sebastian looked at Clara who nodded.  The man reached behind her ears and slightly touched her skin when the noise came flooding back.

"Thanks." Clara said.

"Now that you can hear us.  I'm prince Soma, and this is my butler Agni." Agni said.  Clara had to rub her ears to make sure she heard correct.

"A prince?" Clara asked, confused.  Soma's faced went to equal confusion.

"Did Agni not do it right?" Soma asked.

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