Christmas Special: part 2

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Okay. I made a mistake. I accidentally pressed publish on the previous chapter so I'm just going to continue with this one. Sorry!

I met up with Sebastian, a healthy seventeen kills under my belt. Sebastian whipped out a handkerchief and reached up to my cheek. "You seem to be a messy killer." I look down to his shoes drenched in blood.

"As are you." I replied. Sebastian smiled and pocketed the handkerchief. "Seventeen. I had seventeen kills." Sebastian sighed.

"You win." he replied in defeat. A big smirk crossed my lips.

"Does this mean that I am becoming stronger then the great Sebastian?" I yelled to the sky as I turned and walked towards the mansion. I must of said the wrong thing because my feet was swept out from under me. My nails clung to the tailcoat as Sebastian spun me around. If I were to let go, he would toss me to god knows where. He slowed and let me slide from his arms. We looked at each other, not a stare off, but just gazing.

"Are you sure, Clara?" he asked, leaning in with his lips partially open. I now became aware of our position. My hands was on his chest while he gripped my hips. Before he could get any closer to me, I twirled from his grip and threw my hand over my shoulder.

"Absolutely!" I yelled over my shoulder. We joined the crowd right when everyone was being seated for supper.

"Clara!" A familiar chipper voice called from across the room. Prince Soma stood with Undertaker and Agni, waving me down. His hand rested on a chair which I guessed was for me. "Over here!" I made my way to the seat, hugging Prince Soma and allowing Agni to gently kiss my hand. He helped me be seated and waited for Ciel to announce the beginning of dinner.

It was then that I noticed the other Clara seated across from Agni. She was dressed in green satin with diamond earrings hanging from her ears. She looked much more sophisticated since I last seen her. She turned her head, her earnings swaying, and looked at me. I nodded my head in respect, as did she.

Ciel stood from his chair, gaining attention from everyone. "I would like to thank all or you from coming. I have experienced great emotional joy from the return of my sister Clara, and celebrating this joy with you makes me even happier then ever before. Thank you." Everyone clapped as Ciel bowed his head and seated himself. Meals were eaten and stories were told around the table. After the rich cakes and creams were eaten, everyone gathered in the grand entrance hall.

As cheerful music filled the hall and people begun to dance, I stayed on the sides. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked down to see Ciel looking at me. "Care to dance?" He asked while holding his hand out.

"I thought you didn't like dancing?" I asked while letting him lead me to the floor.

"Sebastian suggested that I dance with at least one person. You seem to be the most tolerant out of everyone." Ciel said while taking my waist and begun to dance.

"Really. I'm flattered." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice. Ciel chuckled and spun me. I danced with various people that night. Agni and Prince Soma both took turns, Finny danced with me in the corner briefly, and Lau tried to dazzle me with an elegant tango. However, no matter how many people took my waist and swept me across the floor, I remained unsatisfied. There was one more person missing, and he wore a black tailcoat.

Familiar long fingers took my wrist and danced accordingly to the waltz. Undertaker looked down at me, his green eyes barely peeking from under his thick hair. "He is a butler, after all." He said. I looked to the side where Sebastian has handed Elizabeth a glass of glittering champagne. A silver tray was placed evenly on his steady hand.

Undertaker smiled as I gazed at the black clad butler. "Then again, he is not necessarily a human butler."

I smiled while looking down. "No, no he is not." I said with a faint glimmer in my eyes. The waltz ended and I retreated back to the sidelines. I wouldn't get an opportunity to dance with Sebastian tonight.

"Care to dance?" Asked a familiar smooth voice. Instead of my normal snappy comments, my stomach dropped and heartbeat quickened. Sebastian stood with a pair of glasses perched on his nose.

"Sebastian," I said under my breath. "It would be inappropriate." Inappropriate or not, I wanted to take his outstretched hand.

"Perhaps for a butler, but have you forgotten my other occupations? I'm a tutor, accountant, and entertainer. I am no butler, let alone a human butler." He said, indicating that he overheard my conversations. I smiled at now being able to dance with Sebastian.

"Okay, but go slow. I am not a very good dancer." I said while taking his hand. My inner self squealed with delight, but a cool smile did not reveal my thoughts. The waltz was simple and elegant. Sebastian led, twirling me this way and that. Our gazes did not break from each other.

We did not just dance one time, but for the rest of the night. We never became exhausted or bored. When the first dance ended my heart dropped a bit at the lost contact, but Sebastian was persistent. I couldn't help but notice the wide happy grin of Undertaker as he watched us from afar.

A few people had retired for the night including Elizabeth and Clara Phantomhive. In need for some cool air and privacy, we slipped out of the manor. The fresh blanket of snow begun to fall. The white puffy snowflakes landed on my curls and shoulders. Sebastian chuckled and swept them off.

"Are you cold?" He asked while slipping off his coat.

"No, not at all-." I tried to tell him.

"Nonsense. Besides, people will think I'm rude if they see you without some protection from the cold." Sebastian placed the thick wool coat on my shoulders and even proceeded to button it up. The coat was to big and extended past my hands. I allowed the coat the fall over them and intertwined my arm with his. We reached a gazebo among the bare rose bushes. Puffy pillows of snow replaced the flowers. The gazebo was clear of snow as we stood close, watching the glowing windows of the manor flicker from passing figures and the fluttering of candles. The musicians plucked their strings to a new song.

"Care to dance?" Sebastian asked me for the tenth and final time that night. I chuckled and placed my hand on his strong shoulder to answer.

The last dance was a soft melody. We stepped to the stoke of the cellos and glided to the smooth notes of several violins. Sebastian's touch felt perfect and tender, despite his demonic identity. The red orbs burned with compassion and not evil. I felt drawn to the brightness as they lit up with a sneaky side smirk.

My stomach felt like it dropped as we slowed down, reaching the last soft notes of the song. Our gaze did not break as we neared one another. My jaw became slacked as I tilted my head up and closed my eyes. Sebastian placed his hand gently on the nape of my neck, guiding me to his warm lips. The contact sent fire to my fingers, grasping his tailcoat in excitement. Sebastian smiled against my lips and readjusted his arms to pull me flush against his chest.

Sebastian broke from my lips and leaned his forehead against mine. "Is this my Christmas present?" he asked with a wide grin. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"No, you have to wait until tomorrow." I said while he took my hand to lead me back into the manor.

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