3. The Birth

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Chapter Three

September 2006

"Edward. Give her to me." Odette says and takes the newborn baby from her bother. She quickly walks out of the room, seeing Bella like that hurt her a little bit. Odette took the infant into the kitchen and washed her up in the sink, careful to be careful with the newborn's skin.

"Renesmee. It will be okay." She whispered to her niece who then opened her eyes at her Aunt. The baby reached out and touched Odette on the arm, flashbacks of all the times Odette had talked to Renesmee though Bella's belly played. "You know me?" Odette smiled and laughed a little. "You remember me." She wants to cry but since she is a vampire not a single drop comes out. She finishes up washing the baby and dresses her, Odette tries to keep her focus on the baby instead of on the scent of blood that Bella had produced.

Odette was never really approving of the pregnancy, to lose Bella would be too much. Then the moment came and as Odette stared at the baby she realized how right Bella was. How worth is Renesmee is. Odette takes the baby to the sitting room and holds her on the chair, using her very own baby blanket to keep her warm.

Odette did not remember much of her mother but she does remember the blanket and how if it weren't for Carlisle it would have been left behind. It was warm and Renesmee seemed to love it just as much as Odette did as a child. "Consider it a gift. From me to you." She whispered and tried to flatten down the mess of hair on her head. "Bella is going to kill you ya know." She spoke to the shapeshifter behind her.

"What do I do?" Jacob whispered. He was on his knees in front of the newborn and wanted nothing to do with her, as far as he knew she killed Bella yet he could not stay mad at the baby in his friend's arms.

Waiting for Bella to wake up was hell. Odette constantly worried but threw herself into helping with the baby instead of pace. The day Bella came out of that room was life changing, Odette was finally not stressed from worry as she saw the newborn walk in. "Would you like to hold her?" Odette asks Bella who eagerly nods. Bella holds her so gently with a look of admiration on her face but then to curiosity as she examines her teeth.

"I was only out for three days?" She asks. The baby giggles in her arms and she is suddenly smiling at her again. Odette looked to Jacob who had his eyes on Renesmee and then to Edward who had his eyes on Jacob. Odette wanted to step in and tell Jacob to fuck off when he wanted to take Renesmee, but instead let it all unfold.

"Odette take the baby out of here." Bella growled. Odette hurried and took Renesmee to the other room. Odette wasn't one to want to watch fights and watching them made her scared. They reminded her of her mother and father. She had been only three but the war had stained her cold dead heart with it's blackened memory.

"You know, Darling. You remind me of a fleur." Odette says to the baby who only gurgles and giggles in response. Odette waves her hand a daisy grows there and she places in behind Renesmee's ear. Odette had the power of nature, if it was natural she could control it. In the midst of bonding with her niece she feels a twinge in her chest that makes her gasp for a moment. She had been having these since she turned but recently they had been awful and more frequent. It felt as if somebody had razorwire around her heart and occasionally they had wanked it.

"Odette?" Alice asks and sits beside her. Odette hands the baby to Alice so she can clutch her chest. "Are you alright?" She places a free hand on her sisters back who gasps once again. "Do I need to get Carlisle?" She rushes. Odette quickly shakes her head no. She knew he was too focused on Renesmee to deal with a petty issue such as this one. "Something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong, Alice." She hisses. Alice simply shakes her head and runs to get her father. In no time Carlisle is by her side with his hand one her chest. "Make the pain stop, dad. Please." Odette whimpers.

"I unfortunately know what this is." Carlisle stands up and sighs. Odette knew that was bad news and most likely meant he could do not a thing for her. She would have to feel this agony over and over again. "You have a mate, Odie." Alice jumped up and screamed happily. "But, we don't know who it is. This won't go away until you meet, I'm afraid." Carlisle says sadly.

"Hopefully it's soon." Alice smiles.

"Yeah, Alice. Hopefully."


Fleur: Flower

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