17. The Tiresome

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Chapter 17
February 2021

Odette walked lightly down the cold hallways of this damn prison. Finding the way to her and Aro's room had now take twenty minutes longer than it used to. She found herself purposefully lost in the hallways and winding mazes of her dwelling. The door in front of her could not hold all the secrets in anymore. Their door over flowed with whispers and with infidelities. Odette wondered if Aro knew she could hear him from the other side of the door, or if he even cared.

The doors slowly opened, a long creaking filling the air. A petite blond girl gasped and pushed Odette's husband off of her, wrapping herself in the sheets. "You said she wouldn't be home yet." The girl hissed. Aro stared wide eyed at Odette with his mouth slightly agape. He searched her face for any emotion but found none. Numbness.

"Odette-" she raised her hand cutting him off. Her gaze snapped to the human girl who was throwing her clothes on.

"Get the fuck out before I kill you." Odette growled. Aro froze, she was pissed. He had yet to seen her so angry. The girl scurried away like a puppy with it's tail tucked between its legs. Odette slammed the door shut. "How long?"

"Sunshine-" she slammed her hand on the stone wall and pieces of it crumbled to the floor.

"How long?!" Anger seeped through her every vein. How could he?! She was supposed to be the one to break him. Her! "After everything I've done for you?" Her voice suddenly was calm and her stare dropped to the floor. Her hand falling limply from the broken stone to her side.

"Odette please let me explain." Aro begged. Aro was begging for her. Odette smirked with her hair curtailing around her pale face. When she looked up all she felt was cold. Her pace was fast and before either of them knew it her hand was wrapped around his throat. Hairline cracks made their way up his face. Aro has underestimated her strength, foolishly so. Now he was going to pay for it. Now she could no longer wait. Odette pulled his ear close to her lips.

"Beg for your life, Aro." His eyes widened at the sound of her voice. "Beg." Every syllable was slow and deliberate. Aro didn't mutter a word, shock overcame him. He could hardly believe his Odette would do this. Odette slammed him against the stone breaking it under the force of his skull which now was also cracked. "Let's relive an old memory shall we?"

Large vines wrapped around Aro and forced him to his knees. "Caius was here." Her shoes clicked on the floor and she made him look up at her by grabbing his chin. "And I was here. What did you say? You wanted me to do it?"

Images of Caius flooded her head. Why did it have to all be so complicated? Why did everyone else get wonderful mates who cared for them and treasured them? Why did she care so much? All Odette knew was she was angry and she missed Caius. Odette had loved Aro. Part of her still did. But some people just aren't worth loving.

"Please, Oddie. Don't do this." Aro stated in a panic. The scoff that left her lips was as cold as ice. The woman that was before him was no longer his Oddie. That was clear now. This was an empty shell of Odette, a monster that he had created.

"I love you. I gave you everything, Aro, you know that?" Aro nodded. Odette ran her slender fingers along his jaw and then slapped him.

"Then why?" His eyes were more dead than they every had been. Her hands gripped the sides of his head and in one swift motion it was over. Odette lifted the head of her mate and stared into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, my sunshine." She tossed it into the fire place. "It has to be this way." She finished disposing the rest of the body before leaving the bedroom and approaching the throne room.

Her shoulders cocked back and one foot in front of the other. She radiated confidence and leadership. Odette turned on her heel and sat in Aro's throne, crossing her legs and leaning back. Aro's  Volturi medallion shined and glimmered against her chest and his ring on her right thumb did the same.

Jane and Alec both walked in, shocked at what they saw. They knew what it meant. What she had done. Jane looked towards Alec and then back at Odette. Jane took a knee first and the Alec followed suit. "What can we do for you, Ma'am." A chuckled escaped her lips and she leaned foreword.

"Our allegiance now lies with you." Alec spoke next. Odette stood up and ran a finger along the arm of the throne and her eyes narrowed on Caius' spot. She turned around again and looked at the two.

"Things will never be the same around here. I'll make sure of it." She smiled and nodded at them. They both left the room in a hurry, leaving Odette alone again.

"You are my sunshine." She began to sing with a sadistic smile on her red coated lips. "My only sunshine." Her hand fiddled with the medallion. "You make me happy when skies are gray." Memories of Aro disintegrated from being happy to up in flames. "You never know dear how much I love you."

"So please don't take my sunshine away."

Holy Moly it's the end of this story! Thank all of you for reading and supporting this I appreciate you all so much! 💞

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