10. The Rising

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Chapter Ten 
April 2020

Peace never lasted long. No matter the bliss and the love and the ultimate sacrifices you make for it, peace is always crashed down to ashes. Aro and Odette has the most perfect four months, but all good things come to an end. "Aro?" Odette walked into the throne room, the fabric of her cotton dress moved with her as she approached her husband. He sat at the table head in hands with open books sprawled around him. Odette kneeled in front of him and used her delicate hand to lift his chin. "Sunshine." He placed his hand on hers and kissed it softly. "What's the matter?"

"I'm afraid it is confidential, my love." His voice was defeated, he had wanted to tell her everything. To explain all of it to her, to spill even the most secret information, but he was loyal to his brothers. He had sworn he would not tell. 

"I will not force you to tell me." She stood up and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Aro loved this about her, she knew her boundaries. Even when she wanted to cross every line, she did not.  She tenderly let his hand go to walk out of the thrown room, but he gripped her hand tightly. 

"Stay." Aro's voice wavered, a side of him that only Odette had seen. A smile crept onto her face as she sat on his lap, one hand gingerly placed on her waist his head resting on her shoulder. "I don't know what to do, Odette. I always know but this time I am completely dumbfounded."

"I cannot assist you if I do not know what the problem is. I know you cannot tell me, however, I think you need to deal with this alone. For now at least." She stood up and pressed a kiss on his lips. "I will be in our room if you need me."  a small smirk laid upon her lips and a mischievous wink followed. A small chuckle escaped his lips as she left a smile traced his pale face. 

Aro stood up and walked over to the table, paper scattered it in a mess. Aro's hands felt the wood and the papers on it. His hand stopped on a piece of red parchment where the unfolded the paper. His eyes read over the words over and over again but he could not understand them. He did not want to understand, they seemed as if they were laced with red hot hatred and venom. Aro grabbed the pristine white envelope they came in and read the swirled writing on the front of it. In black ink were the words Odette Volturi and a heart scribbled underneath of it. 

Dear Odette, 

You have left a path of destruction behind you while on your own pursuit of happiness. Pathetic, that's how I have always viewed selfishness. How I viewed you from her stories. She adored you, praised you, and even longed for you. Even after all those years of abandonment. I never understood it, how she loved you until the day she died. By your fingers. Death follows you, Odette, that is apparent. After you left her there on that beach, she had spent years looking for clues until she found her answer. Why your family was odd like they were, so youthful and secretive. She chased that immortality, to get closer to you. That's when she met me. She begged me to turn her and I did, she knew she could run to you once more. Until she found out that you had fallen in love with Aro Volturi. Mated with him even, that was the moment of change. I had never seen such blind rage before. Pure hot hatred. It was the most magnificent thing I had ever laid my eyes on. She knew she had to get closer from there, and she knew just the way how. She knew she could start something within this, so she had set out to make an army. She read about newborn army's and she knew she could do it. Maybe she could haven even taken down your husband and won you back. There her and I were all over the world changing humans into senseless monsters with no idea what they were doing. It wasn't until she was caught in Asia that she gave up on it. She knew she would be close to you again. She looked you in the eyes as you took her very life an for that, Odette, I will never forgive you. I swear on every inch of my immortal being, that I will kill you. No matter the cost or the time, I will watch your pathetic life drain in front of me. I look forward to the day where I take everything from you as you had taken everything from me. My lovely Athena. 

Best Regards, 


Aro did not knew who S was and he did not want to find out. His mind was on keeping his mate safe, no matter how much she swore she could do it herself. His yes wandered to the door she left from and he smiled, knowing she was waiting for him just in the other room. His turned to the guarded and they stood at attention. "I want every forest searched and every ocean explored. Find out who the sender of this letter is." 

"What do we do with them, sir?" 

"Kill them." Aro growled and left the room without another word. His heart racing as he got closer and closer to his and his mate's room. When he creaked open the door he say her there. She laid on her side facing him, lingerie covering the bare necessities. The delicate lace made her seem even more beautiful. Aro shut the door behind him and locked it, his hands lingering on the lock for a second as he took her in. He could have just sat and stared for ages. 

"Well? Come here." Her voice was but a whisper, gentle and soothing to his ears. Her hands pushed hair behind his ears and started to unbutton his shirt. He grabbed her wrists, she looked up at her husband and tilted her head slightly. Confusion running over her as he pushed her flat against the soft mattress. 

"I am utterly in love with you." Aro whispered.

"Et je suis amoureux de toi plus que le soleil aime la lune." Aro smilled and pressed an eager kiss on her collar bone. A giggle escaped her lips and in that moment peace had won the fight. Aro knew as long as she was around, peace would never be to far away.

Odette was Aro's peace.


Et je suis amoureux de toi plus que le soleil aime la lune.: And I am in love with you more than the sun loves the moon.

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