8. The Moment

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Chapter Eight
April 2019

"Where in God's name did you get bubbles?" Aro asks as he walks out into the garden. Odette is sitting on the fountain blowing bubbles from a plastic stick.

"Heidi got me a whole pack." Odette says and hands a bottle to Aro who sits next to her. He chuckles and shakes his head at his mate who blows more bubbles. Aro pulls out the neon green wand and blows some with her, one of the bubbles lands on her nose and she giggles as it pops. Aro smiles and watches her, he observes her eyes as they light up in pure innocent joy and he notices her lips upturned into a smile.

Odette was very invested in seeing how far the bubbles could go before popping, one seemed to go on forever. She watched it float away and turned to make sure Aro had seen how far it went. "Look that has to be a mi-" she stops mid sentence. Aro sits staring at his hands, Odette cocks her head sideways and places a hand on his forearm. "Are you okay?"

Aro looks up at her, he tries to speak but words don't come out so he just stares. He takes breath in and gently grabs her hand. "Marry me?" Odette smiled and hugs the man in front of her.

"Of course." She whispers. Aro slides a simple gold band on her finger. "I love you."

Odette paced back and fourth in her and Aro's room, a small black phone in her hands. Her nails tap on the screen and she pulls a hand through her hair. "Odette stop pacing." Aro steps in front of Odette and grabs her arms. "Just call." He takes the phone from her hands and clicks the contact 'Home' and put it on speaker.

"Aro!" She panicked as Aro threw the phone at her. The ringing made her nervous and when someone answered her eyes went wide. I'm going to kill you. She mouthed to her mate who pointed to the phone. She clears her throat, even though it's unnecessary, and simply says: "Hello?"

"Oh my god! Odette?!" Alice yells over the phone. "Guys it's Odette!" There is rustling and everyone seems to have gathered around the phone.

"Odette! How have you been?! We miss you!" Bella says. Odette smiles and composed herself before answering. Odette was relieved that they had cared enough to miss her. They missed her, that fact left a dumb smile on her face.

"I-I'm okay. I, uh, have news." Odette says and sits on the bed. Aro kneels in front her and squeezes her hand.

"Well? Don't leave us hanging." Alice says, urging her sister to speak.

"I'm getting married." Alice screamed over the phone. Odette pulls it a little farther away from her with a smile on her face.

"You're getting married?!" Esme asks. Odette could hear the excitement mixed with sadness in her voice. "Listen ,Edward, he didn't mean what he said."

"It's okay, Esme. Frankly, I don't care. He is entitled to his own opinion." Odette moved her feet in an odd way, another way to fidget. Odette truly did care what Edward thought and he made he perfectly clear how he felt.

"See? She doesn't care. Now hang up the phone we have stuff to do." Edward's voice came from the other line followed by a click. Odette stares in shock at the phone. Had he really just done that to her?

"If he does not want to be in your life, Odette, that is his loss. Not yours." Aro stands in between her legs and places his hands on either side of her face. "I am sure the rest of your family will want to come, my dear." Odette sighs and leans into Aro's hand.

"I'm going to go on a walk." Odette says emotionlessly, she starts to walk out but Aro grabs her hand and spins her back into him. "Seriously, Aro. I'm not in the mood." Aro doesn't say anything, he simply puts his hands on her waist and sways. Odette sighs and puts her arms around his neck, she lays her head on his chest as they dance.

"Odette. You are beautiful being. You are kind, exceptional, and you always have something new to discover. I spent thousands of years looking for purpose, for any reason to be here at all. After all this time here it is, right in front of me. You singlehandedly changed me. You've made me grow into a better being and I owe you everything for that. I know I do not deserve you, Odette. Nobody truly does deserve you. I promise you I will fight for you. You are worth fighting for. No matter how many times you tell me you are not worth it, I will never believe you. You are my sunshine in the black that was my life. You lit up my world in a way it hadn't been before. Eternity is not nearly long enough with you, but no amount of time would be. I am utterly and truly in love with you. More than words can explain. I will always love you." Aro still sways with her, if Odette could sob she would have but instead she looks and him and places her lips on his. She stands on her tip toes as the move together in perfect harmony.

Nobody had ever been in love with anyone as much as them in the moment. Odette had never experienced love like this before, it was soft and raw. This love came slowly and purely, This is a kind of love story that people would talk about hundreds of years from now.

Odette slowly lays on the bed with Aro on top of her, he pulls her shirt over her head and the ecstasy begins. They become one person, joining in a bond and solidifying the nature of have a mate. Now it truly meant forever for them, and nothing could tear them apart.

"You're my light." Aro whispers and pushes a piece of hair from her face.

"And you're mine."

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