5. The Window

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Chapter Five
July 2010

The nights sometime seemed long to Odette, she couldn't sleep so boredom often felt upon her. Tonight was different she smelt him in the air and hoped he would be near. So she sat for hours in her window sill, the wind lightly blowing her hair as she waited.

The crickets are the only sound that con into her room, she lays her head back and closes her eyes. Listening to everything and smelling the thick Washington air that she loved. When Aro came to the window Odette three her arms around him and he spun her around. "Shh, my love. We must be quiet." Odette whispers. Aro smiles and grabs her hand lightly, his free hand finds its way to her brown hair and pulls her lips to his. Odette hurried and locked the door of her room.

"What are you so afraid of, mon amour?" He stroked his hand along her cheek. Odette's family was out of town and she knew she shouldn't be scared but she was still fearful of what they would say.

"We are dead if they knew." Odette says and melts into his hand. "You aren't exactly on my parent's good side." She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed with him, no music played but the two danced for a while. 

"Why not tell them?" Aro asked the girl in his arms. Odette shook her head and just laid her head on his chest, Aro set his head on hers. "It will all be alright." He whispers, he brings his lips to her head as they sway. 

Any amount of time with him would not be enough for Odette. When he left she had felt empty once again, Odette had always hated goodbyes but she was always able to stand them. Not this time and not with him, she had felt like the fire in her heart had gone out when he went away. The two stood next to each other for a moment before he left, Odette wrapping her arms around him and silently praying that he wouldn't leave. Odette's hands grip the fabric of his white button up shirt knowing this was the last feeling of it she would get for a while. "Close your eyes, chéri." Aro's soft voice fills her ears, she closes her eyes and takes a breath in.

Aro placed his lips on hers, then he was gone. When she opened them it was just her in her room, once again. When her family came home they had known something was up, Odette had become distant and depressed. She would hardly ever hunt and when she did she could never keep it all down. Carlisle worried for his daughter, if she wasn't around her mate soon he feared the worst.

Today hadn't been so bad for her, Odette was outside with Renesmee and Jacob growing flowers. Odette seemed to enjoy the distraction, until Edward had snooped into her mind and found out about Aro. Edward usually left her alone but he needed to know why she was acting like this, long story short his answer was found. "This is a Lilac." Odette smiles at Renesmee who stares in awe at the plant her aunt had made appear out of the ground.

Edward stormed outside and punched his sister right in the face, Renesmee screamed and buried herself into Jacob. Odette growled and blocked another hit from her brother, who was much stronger than her. "What is the meaning of this?!" She yelled. Edward growled and tackled her. Odette struggled as Edward straddled her and threw a few punches to her face.

"Odie!" Renesmee yelled and tried to run to her aunt. "Daddy stop!" Jacob held the small hysterical girl back. "Grandpa!" Renesmee ran inside with Jacob to get anyone to help her Aunt.

"You let him into our house!" Edward threw another punch, this time cracking her face like glass. Odette got free and swept his feet from under him, she put out her hands and vines grew around him. They restrained him as Odette caught her breath that she wouldn't usually need but she hadn't hunted in days and it was taking a toll on her strength.

"What is going on?!" Carlisle yelled and ran to his children. He examined his daughters face which had already begun healing.

"She let that bastard into our house! She let Aro in!" Edward huffed, trying to free himself from the vines. The rest of her family had gasped and looked to Odette for confirmation. She held her hands close to her heart and looked down on her feet. Carlisle looked ot his daughter with sympathy in his eyes.

"I love him." Odette says softly. She undoes Edward's restraints slowly. He takes his place next to his wife and daughter, a glare etches his face pointed at Odette. "You're my family. I thought you would understand." Edward let out a loud laugh.

"You're not family." He spits. Venom laces the words and coats Odette's heart, her eyes widen and a gasp escapes her lips.

"Edward." Esme starts to talk but his glare shuts her down. Odette walks towards the house and kisses her mother's cheek along the way.

"No, mother. It's okay. I can tell when I am no longer wanted." She hugs her mother who is dry sobbing into her chest.

"Please don't go." Esme cries. Odette looks into her mother's eyes, her hands grab hers and she squeezes them. Odette truly looked at her mother for the first time, how her dark features complimented her so well.

"Even if not by blood, you will always be my mom." Odette says and hugs her one last time. The wind blows around them, natures way of showing Odette's sadness perhaps. Nature always responded to the girl and at the moment it was showing her emotions very well.

Odette turns to her brother, a glare cuts through him. "Vous allez le regretter, mon frère." She spits and walks into the house to pack her things and go.

The packing was hard, she only took what she needed but she also grabbed a few things she didn't. Leaving this place would be harder than she thought, but a new life awaited her outside of Forks, Washington. A new life waited for her outside of the four walls where she spent so many nights waiting for him to show up. She would always miss Aro but she knew he would always find her one way or another. They always found each other even in the worst of times. He was her light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe someday she would live with him and her life would always be light, but Odette needed to explore a little of the dark first and that was okay.


mon amour: my love

chéri: darling 

Vous allez le regretter, mon frère: You'll regret this, brother.

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