13. The Battle

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Chapter 13

August 2020

Caius began to loath the woman more and more with each passing day. She was cruel and seemed to thrive off of everyone else's misery. The day came of the attack. The attack he didn't want to do. The attack on his brother's and her. Odette. Her lips stained his mind like blood on a white sheet. Odette was an innocent being but this woman was going to kill her.

"Tonight we face out enemies with dignity! If we die tonight then we all die together!" The woman yelled to a crowd of vampires, witches, and whatever else they could gather up. It was incredible the way she convinced them. The way she spoke it was like she knew exactly how to feel them in and almost every time it worked. It was only bad when she didn't get what she wanted. Caius shuddered at the memory of his friend's death.

Then they faced the doors. God he didn't want to do this. Please forgive me Odette. He thought as the main doors slammed opened. It was anarchy. Death filled the air, he saw it everywhere he turned. Caius was frozen in his place as he whipped his head around. "Caius! Fight!" She growled. He nodded and ran to the thrown room, leading them all to his brother's.

When the doors slammed open there was three lines of defense, all low level Volturi members. On the second floor was his brother's and Odette. Caius stared into her eyes and he could practically feel the betrayal. "Ah, Caius. We've been expecting you." Aro said with a sick grin.

The woman pushed through the crowd. "Give her up and we will leave peacefully." Caius knew Aro would never give his wife up. He was selfish.

"Or?" Aro tapped his nails on the railing.

"I kill you all." She growled and jumped to the second level, her body aimed at Aro. Odette pushed her back with all her might. The woman flew back to the bookcase and then to the ground. Odette's eyes held a fire like no other, she was angry. That was what the woman wanted. Odette jumped down with a loud crack of the marble floor.

"Odette no!" Caius yelled and ran towards her, moving her from the line of a charging spell.

"Caius!" The woman screeched. "Fool!" Her voice was like nails on a chalk board. The two women met in the middle of the floor but did not fight. The woman hissed at Odette but she held her ground firmly. Caius looked up at Aro who smiled at the situation. How could he just let this happen?

"Athena died for you." The women circled. Odette looked affected for just a second before turning back into her cold self. "Athena loved you. And what did you do? You betrayed and left her for that monster!" The woman screeched and slashed at Odette's face. Leaving three cracks along her porcelain cheek.

"Athena wouldn't want this." Odette said with a glare. The woman threw her head back in laughter. The fighting of everyone else around them was loud, too loud.

"You wouldn't know what she wanted." Then in one swift move Odette was on her knees with the woman's hand around her head. Ark moved closer but as soon as he did she pulled at her head, a sickening cracking noise filled the air. "I wouldn't if I were you." She cackled. The woman lowered next to Odette's ear and whispered. "And in the end the lover will fall and her lover will perish." The crack was loud and it made the room fall silent. It was like the world stopped spinning.

Aro stood eyes wide open at the scene. Nobody could believe what they saw. Edward Cullen stood next to a kneeling Odette holding the woman's head. The body fell to the floor and everyone took a breath in. "Retreat!" A witch yelled, the room cleared. Cowards.

"Edward?" Odette whispered. Edward dropped the head and fell next to his sister. The two held each other and laughed. "Edward!"

"I'm so sorry, Oddie. I'm glad you're okay." Caius smiled. He knew Odette had been so heartbroken after Edward had left her behind. "When Alice told me I came right away."

"Brother." Aro and Marcus walked up to Caius with a cold face. "You're being charged with the crime of treason."

Caius' eyes flashed to the, bow burning, body of the woman. He closed his eyes and nodded. "Guilty." He said strongly.

"Caius, no!" Odette cried. Aro shot her a warning look and she looked to the floor, cowering like a puppy into her brother's arms.

Aro forced him to his knees. "Odette." She looked up with the saddest look on her face. "I want you to do it." Aro smiled a sadistic smile.

"I can't, Aro." She whimpered. Aro shot another glare at his wife. He was doing this as punishment for their infidelity. Aro was showing her how much of a monster he could be.

"You will." Aro said storming over to his wife and dragging her over by her wrist. "You can." He whispered. "I've seen you do it before."

"It's okay, Odette." Caius says with a reassuring smile. Odette looks at Aro then back to Caius. Odette places her delicate hands on his temples, the flowers weave around his head. "I'll pray for you, Caius." She whispers. Her hands plant firmly on the side of his head and she pulls as hard as she can.

Caius was dead.

"Good job, my love." Aro planted a kiss on the side of her head. For the first time, Odette truly feared her husband.

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