4. The First Impression

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Chapter Four
December 2006

The wind whipped Odette's face as she stood with her family. Her hand firmly sat in Carlisle and Esme's hands, they squeezed each other in reassurance. Odette had never met the Volturi before and now she was more terrified than ever, but the closer they got the less pain her chest was in. Carlisle knew what this meant and feared for his daughter but he knew he could not stop fate. "Auntie." Renesmee whimpered and ran to Odette's legs, who swept her up into her arms. Odette held her neck and shelled her from the sight of them men and women in black cloaks.

It brought back memories of when her mother died, which if Odette had not been a vampire she would be visibly shaking. The Volturi were not necessarily the bad guys but Odette couldn't help but feel bitter to them. They were trying to tear her family apart which Odette found unacceptable. As Carlisle worked out a compromise with the Volturi, Odette kept her eyes on Renesmee and whispered into her ear how she would be okay.

The feeling in her chest completely went away and was replaced with a feeling of longing towards one of them. One of the bad people and been her mate, she just didn't know which one. "May I meet her?" When he spoke and she payed attention she knew it was him, Aro Volturi. When her eyes laid on him she felt and indescribable feeling. It was like a sparkler had been light in her stomach and it warmed her finger and toes.

Odette walked with Edward and Jacob to them. The breath that she did not need was stuck in her throat as his scent filled her nose. Their eyes locked for a minute but he looked away quickly and looked at the child in her arms. "She has a heart beat." He whispers. "May I?" He looked to Odette for permission, who looked at Edward. Edward nodded, Odette put Renesmee on the ground. Aro leaned down to her height and flinched as she   reached out.

"She won't hurt you. This is how she communicates." Odette said. Aro suddenly felt safer just by her voice. It was sickly sweet but soft at the same time, anything she would say Aro would trust.

Renesmee places her hand on his cheek. Odette watches in amazement as his widen with the knowledge she had give him. He let out a laugh causing Renesmee to back up in slight fear. Odette scoops her into her arms and heads back. Aro's voice carried through but Odette didn't listen, she was far more concerned about Renesmee.

When Jasper and Alice showed up Renesmee was full on sobbing. She wanted to go to Alice but Odette knew it was a bad idea. "You are my sunshine." Odette felt the girl relax in her arms. "My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." She sand and rocked the child. Alice was showing Aro something, his eyes stared Blankly at Odette. "You never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

Aro looks up at Odette, completely attentive. The battle hadn't been a battle at all and in the end almost everyone went home safely. Bella took Renesmee and hugged her, if she could cry she would have. Odette watched the family with a smile, she was once again alone. Everyone around her was in a loving embrace but she was left on the outside, the familiar tug pulled at her heart as Aro left.

There was a celebration at the Cullen house, everyone partied and dance away but Odette sat alone outside. Her leg dangled off of the tree branch she sat on. The faint sound of music behind her had almost drowned out her thoughts, but the looming loneliness surrounds her. "I know you're here." She says and jumps from the green to the soft ground.

"Hello." It was him. Odette wondered what would happen if Jake caught them. She took a step closer to him and placed her hands on his face, feeling him out and making sure he was real. He smiled and took one of her hands, he bowed and placed his lips on her knuckles.

"You're dead if you're caught here, mon Seigneur." She smiled. Aro felt his chest clamp as he saw her smile. It was bright and unlike anything he had seen before.

"I'd die just to see your smile for just a moment, mon soleil." He smiled and grabbed her other hand. The mate bond was already strong, Odette and Aro both felt it.

"You speak French?" She asks, Aro notices the slight French accent that had clung to her lips even after all these years.

"I speak many languages." He says with a smirk, he was trying to impress her and it had worked. He reached out his arm for her to take, Odette looped her arm around his and they walked deeper into the woods.

"Why are you here? Not that I don't like you here or anything, just curious." She says, looking up at the rather tall vampire beside her. His red eyes met hers and she looked away, intimidated by his gaze.

"To see you." He says, using his fingers to pull up her eyes to his. He put her face close to hers, their lips almost touching. Odette felt that sparkler feeling again and wanted nothing more than his lips on hers. Unfortunately for Odette, the moment is always ruined.

"Odie!" Esme called for her daughter. Odette groans and pulls away from Aro. She sighs and pats her mates hand, who does the same to her.

"I'll see you around?" She asks, hope lacing the words the escaped her lips. The lips that he had almost kissed were going to leave. The razor wire in her chest had come back as they were about to part always.

"Je suis juste un simple appel." He says softly and places a delicate kiss upon her forehead, then she's gone. Her hand touches her head where he kissed and she smiles.


mon Seigneur: my Lord

mon soleil: my sun

Je suis juste un simple appel: I am just a mere call away.

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