Chapter 6

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. I walked into my first class just as the teacher walked in. I hurriedly took my seat, which was way in the back and waited for him to start. He took his teacher's book out of his bag and opened it up to a page somewhat in the middle and scanned over it, just as he looked up and was about to speak, Caden strode in, smelling like he just got out of Trish Adam's bedroom. In other words, he smelt like perfume and sex.

He smirked and took a seat on the far right of the classroom. The teacher looked like he was about to explode. "Mr. Caden, care to explain why you are 12 seconds late to my class and counting?" The teacher asked as he tapped his finger on the desk. Caden put his hands up in front of him. "Hey, I had some things to do before I came to class." He said and everyone knew what he meant, everyone but the teacher it seemed.

"Well, don't let it happen again, or I'll give you detention." He threatened and Caden chuckled. "I won't make any promises, but I'll try." He told the teacher who seemed to buy it, he started the lesson for once. "Talk about an ego the size of Asia." I heard someone say in my ear from behind and I turned around. It was K.

I chuckled when I remembered what he said. His eyes are so beautiful. They put me in another trance. "I know right. Someone should get him some help." K opened his mouth to respond but we heard a loud cough. "Mr. K and Ms. Spencer, I would appreciate it if you two would stop flirting with one another and focus on the assignment." He said.

We broke our gaze and looked down at our books. I hated being the center of attention so I knew I'd better do what Mr. Farrow requested or its off with my head. Not really, but I'll get detention.

I really can't afford a detention.

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