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(Still Quinn's POV)

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked.

"Good to see you too," He rolled his eyes and we exchanged a quick hug.

"How did you... why did you... when did you..." I couldn't finish any of my questions, or more I couldn't decide which one I wanted to ask.

"It's a long story, I'll explain on the plane." 

A few hours later, on the plane 

I looked at him expectantly. He sighed.

"Ok, I don't know where to start with this... what do you want to know?" 

"What you were doing waiting for me at the airport," I answered him and opened my mouth to continue, but decided it was better to let him answer one question at a time. I closed my mouth again. He laughed.

"I had just arrived at the airport from my flight when I got a call from your mother," he started explaining. He was about to continue when I interrupted.

"My mother?"

"Yes, I'm getting to that," He informed me. "So, I work for your mother, who leads an organisation to free the world of terrorists and everything else threatening people's lives."

"I thought she worked for an editing-slash-writing thing?" I said, confused.

"She lied to you because you were too young, but recently she decided she didn't want to lie to you anymore because she's seen what you've been through and... well, I'll let her tell you."

"Tell me more about the organisation she leads," I asked quickly, excited now. Then I realised I sounded a bit rude and added "Please." He laughed.

"Basically we try to stop anything wrong that's about to happen and try to keep control of the normal things in this world before it becomes an entire Alternate Universe altogether," He explains. I go silent for a moment. He realizes why.

"Oh, don't worry we actually want you to help with the organisation, your mother would never let them kill you." He added. I let out a sigh of relief, which made him laugh. Then I yawned. "Take a nap, we won't get there for a while," he assured me.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll wake you up if we're about to land," He told me, smiling. I glared at him and he laughed.

"Don't. You. Dare." I warned him.

A few hours later, the flight attendant's voice is heard in the plane, warning everyone that they were about to land in Australia and asking them to fasten their seatbelts. 

My eyes flew open and I looked around. I realized what happened and glared up at the speaker thingy in the plane that had woken me up. Elias laughed at me.

"Didn't you sleep?" I asked him.

"Not for 16 hours, but yes, I did." He replies to me, smirking. I roll my eyes.

"It was 13 and a half." I correct him, checking my watch. He laughs. "And the flight only goes for 15 hours so that's impossible," I add.

"Okay, okay, 13 and a half then." he corrects himself.

A few minutes later we had left the plane and we were walking toward my mum's car (Elias had time to call her while I was asleep). I sat in the back with Elias because I didn't want him to feel lonely, but the second I closed the car door I started questioning my mum.

"So what was Elias talking about when he said 'She'll tell you' or whatever and with this organisation how long have you kept this from me and why couldn't you tell me when I was younger and how did you come up with this or did you even at all or did someone else and when was this made and-"

"Woah, slow down," My mother interrupted me, laughing. "So, about what Elias mentioned, I'll tell you when we get there--"

"Where's 'there'?" I asked eagerly. She chuckled.

"We're going to the HQ now." She informed me.

"YAYY!" I shrieked, making Elias cover his ears. My mother laughed again.

"What were your other questions?" She asked

"How long have you kept this from me?" I asked slower this time so she could actually hear what I was saying and answer. 

"Uhm, since you were born I guess?" She replied. 'I made the group 3 years before I gave birth to you with a few people who had the same intentions as me and it just got bigger from there."

"Well, you basically just answered most of my questions in that one sentence," I told her which made her laugh again. "What exactly do you do in this group though?" I asked

"We stop criminals which are threats to this worlds future and try to correct all the wrong in this world," She informed me. I nodded to tell her I understood what she was saying and I was about to ask another question when I felt the car slow down and come to a stop. We were here.

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating in ages RIGHt after I said I would stick to a schedule but it's a lot harder than I made it sound. I'll try to stick to a schedule from now on though: Wednesdays and weekends.

If I don't stick to it again I'm very sorry but I'll try my hardest, I promise! Also, I'm sorry this was sort of short and not much happened. Next chapter will be much more exciting and I guess will come out soon? Hint, hint? 

Please go and follow @XxSilverMarexX coz she is AWESOME and read her books, BTS Eighth Member, Vapour and Angel coz her writing is goals~ anyway, that's it, thanks for reading and sorry for any punctuation errors or errors in the story generally sorry if it wasn't interesting or exciting I'll try to improve it next chapter, see you then! 

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