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(Still Quinn's POV)

I looked around me. Underneath me, the bed of leaves and pine needles and twigs had disappeared, in its place a mattress. Walls and a door surrounded me, the door was closed. Was I dreaming again?

The entire room was empty apart from the bed I was currently occupying and the door. The walls looked really beaten, but it wasn't a bed of pine needles, so it was something.

I finally got to the question that I should have thought of before all else: how the flip did I get here? I swear if it was anything to do with that stupid Ranson kid following me around...

I got out of the bed reached for the door, but then I decided to check I was actually wearing decent clothes first. I looked down at myself. OK, the same clothes as I fell asleep in a few nights ago when Spider Boy took me to wherever this place was; just a sleeved, button-down red flannel shirt and grey bloomers. Just they were covered in dirt and tears. My golden hair was a mess. I tried to brush through it with my fingers, which was hopeless. Where were combs when you needed them? Oh, right. In the front pocket of your pyjama shirt (don't ask, but I had this dream once that I threw a comb at a snake and killed it, right after the venomous little pest had bitten me, so of course, I died and my dream ended, but combs can be useful. Like now, for example).

After combing my hair I finally opened the door and walked out of this small room I had been given (if only temporarily). I came to a hallway, where it was also pretty plain. There were rooms down the hall, but I was heading toward the door, away from all the rooms, at the very end. I opened the door, which was thankfully unlocked, and stepped into the sunlight.

There was a woman. She was extremely tan and her thin black hair was tied up in a bun. She wore a green blouse with a long, flowy light yellow skirt. She was watering a small seedling, but I'm not good with plants so I couldn't guess what it was.

She looked up at me when she heard the door open and set the watering can down as she rose from her crouching position.

"Goodmorning," She greeted me. She had a very sweet voice, she sounded like a mother but she looked really young. "You've been asleep for 3 days. I found you just a few metres into the forest. Are you alright?" She looked at me with concern.

"Oh. Umm, yeah I'm fine. I'm Quinn by the way." I answered.

"My name is Mary," She told me, her voice still so gentle.

"How did you... did you carry me?" I asked her, confused. Her laugh sounded like a bird's song

"I'm stronger than I look," Mary told me, and then gestured toward the house, saying, "You must be hungry, you haven't eaten in days. Would you like me to prepare breakfast?"

"Uh, yes, please. Thank you." I thanked her, and she followed me inside (she insisted I enter first).

When Mary had set breakfast on the counter, I waited for her to serve herself and take the first bite of her meal before doing so myself. We finished breakfast quickly and she got up to show me around. I stood, ready to follow her, but she... she turned to face me and her eyes were glowing. I took two steps back.

"You are in the United States now," Her voice was still female, but it wasn't her own and it sounded as if there were three identical voices talking at the same time. "Your plane back home leaves in 2 days. Find your way to the nearest airport, you'll be shown the way from there. We'll be waiting, Quinn."

Well... so can I still have lunch here or was the thing just too creepy? (I'm sorry, I kept fantasising about food). Mary blinked twice as if coming back to reality. After the second blink, when her eyes opened they were her normal shade of Dark Brown.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just blanked out for a second. Just this way," She stood out of the way to let me step in front of her. I didn't want to reject her, so I took a step before I turned to her and acted as if something just came to my mind.

"What day is it?" I asked, pretending I didn't know.

"March 12th." She answered me.

"Oh no! I need to catch a plane today! Sorry, where's the airport?"

"How did you schedule a flight in the middle of the woods?" She wondered out loud, then realised what she said. "Oh, I didn't mean that so rudely, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed her apology and looked like she was silently punishing herself.

"No, no, it's fine. Really, I don't mind." I assured her when she seemed disbelieving. 

"It was still wrong of me," She insisted. "I shouldn't ever speak like that to anyone again."

"Woah, Mary, it's fine. Don't beat yourself up you just wondered out loud, it's a normal thing to do."

"I'm sorry, now you're insisting I'm a good person." 

"No, it's okay, really."

"Oh, but you mustn't miss your flight! Hurry now, there should be transportation just a few roads down and to the left." She told me, starting to pull money out of her bag on the counter.

"Oh, thank you." I was truly grateful. I didn't want to accept money from her, but if I wanted to get anywhere I'd need it.

And so she gave me clearer directions, I ran to catch the train and I took a cab to the airport. Of course, I thanked her at least a hundred times before I left. As soon as I entered the airport, I looked around wondering who would just wait in an airport for two or so days for a teenage girl and under whose orders?

"Quinn!" Someone called out. their voice sounded familiar, but it couldn't be... how would he get here? I turned, half expecting it to be Anthony even though that wasn't his voice. It wasn't Anthony.


Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated in AGES but my excuses are: 1. School. 2. Writer's Block and 3. I honestly didn't know where to take it from this point but I made up my mind eventually. Tip: As a writer to a writer, don't wait for inspiration or it won't come. Make a schedule and update or (please excuse my language) shit won't get done and you'll be going nowhere. Need inspiration? Use the inspiration that makes you get up in the morning instead of staying in bed all day (and believe me, I know the difficulties) but inspiration won't come if you just wait. As my year 2 teacher used to say: The words aren't gonna float onto the paper. I know it's hard to stick to a schedule but you need to start somewhere, what better time?

Anyway, thank you for reading sorry if I sound like a really strict coach in the message above this was just what I realised after going for a week without writing. Of course, you don't need to take the advice if you think inspiration helps you, but I just found that personally for me it worked nothing. I am my own inspiration. And of course, the reason I write is also a big thanks to J.K.Rowling, who inspired me to write and helped me realise I want to do something to brighten people's days and a huge thanks to @XxSilverMarexX who introduced me to all the things I treasure most today: Friendship, Writing and, of course, GOT7 and BTS!! 

Ok I know that was sorta cheesy but I'm still a kid,  let me be cringy while I can xD. I made the A/N sooooo long I'm sorry but I have a lot to say after not appearing for an entire week. Thank you if you take the time to read the Author's Notes and for just reading generally. I hope you liked this chapter (finally, I update). Thanks for commenting if you comment and for following me, if you followed me if you didn't, thanks anyway! 'Til next time, Annyeonghasseo! *bows*

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