A stanger

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Hi my name is Sarah I have long curly hair it's hard to do though, light brown caramel eyes, light skinned, I'm 5'2 I'm shorty 😫, I have braces and I hate them, I have glasses to, hate them also and that's pretty much it :) oh yeah and I'm 16 sophomore in high school ;)

"So can I have your number?" a random guy said to me (currently at the mall with my friends)

"Umm no can you pleases get out of my face" ugh god I hate pervs

"Oh come on babe" he put his arm around me

"Get yo arm off of me you perv" I walked away not looking back cause I already know he was looking at my ass ugh why can't guys get the hit that some girls In this world don't like to be hit on BY PERVS LIKE OMFG NO

" Sarah come it Victoria secret with me, I know that you know you love this store"

my friend Whitney yelled a crossed the mall, I giggled to myself she was right I LOVR that store

"IM COMING" I sang running to her more like skipping, just as I was about to make my way Into the store I ran Into 'A stranger' he looked young maybe about my age? He had a hair flip and in my option that's sexy ;) caramel eyes, tall and just perfect

"Are you ok miss?" He asked whoa his voice is like heaven JACK POT

"Umm yeah I'm fine" he took his hand out of his pocket to help me up "thank you" I smiled at him, he giggled, omfg

"What's your name sweetheart" omf he called my sweetheart

"Sarah" I blushed damn stop it!!!

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" he smirked "the names Jason"

"Nice to meet you jason" I shook his hand oh. My. God. His. Skin. Is. So. SOFT, he giggled I think he seen me staring oops

"Can I have your number, I like you you seem cool" he asked sounding nervous hmm?

"Yeah sure" I wrote it down for him

"Thank you text you sometime" he smiled at me, turned around and walked away

"Sarah what's taking you so-...ohhhhh never mind" she smirked, I rolled my eyes

"Shut up Whitney he's PERFECT!!" she laughed and pulled me into Victoria secret

Now that's a guy I would make a sandwich for 👌

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now