Oh, sorry Jason

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This chapter is dirty so if it offends you than don't READ IT! Thank u :)


Jason's POV

"Jason you have till the count of 3 to get your ass down here!"

Sarah yelled from down stairs she's on here period. Which I don't understand why girls have it I mean it's stupid she's not pregnant or anything. Wait why the fuck I'm I wondering about this shit. I groaned I was on my bed laying down trying to stay away from her I've learned that she's not easy to be around her


She shouted annoyed. Jesus.

"Don't make me, make you come down here!"

I sat up

"And how are you gonna do that?!"

I shouted back

"JASON. don't make me do it. 2!"

She yelled again I just laughed

"Yep keep counting sarah!!"

"Fine 3!"

I just rolled my eyes

"Nothing's happening sar-"

All of a sudden I was lifted off the bed. I'm floating in mid air.

"Sarah! Put me down!"

"Why should I jason!"

She better put me down


I was off my bed and heading towards the door still floating here I can't get down

"Ow shit sarah!"

My elbow hit the doorknob. I heard her laughed

"Sarah put me down! Now."

I was above the stairs when I said it. Wait maybe I should've said that.


She yelled and dropped me on my ass Jesus I stud up damn that hurt I made my way down there to see a grinning sarah

"What do. You want?"

I said annoyed, she rolled her eyes

"Just cuddle with me"

She said scooting over a bit and patted a seat next to her I laughed and turned around. No sorry not a cuddling type of person

"Hey, where you going?"

I turned back around

"Back upstairs, why?"

I asked

"Nevermind, I just thought that you where different now....I-I guess not"

She said sad laying back down rubbing her stomach and putting her head into the pillow I sighed

"Sorry sarah, I'm just not the cuddling ty-"

She cut me off

"Ik I read your thoughts, now leave me alone. Since you don't want anything to do with me anyway"

I heard her start crying a little bit. God girls on periods. I made my way back upstairs to my room and shut the door I laid down on my bed facing up. Maybe I should go cuddle with her. I thought


I said to myself I never really cuddled before and when I tried it always ended up me having sex with the girl. Not sarah, just others. I don't know should I? I don't want to but apart of me is saying 'do it it'll make her feel better' and the other part is saying 'don't who cares about her' it's been 4 months since I've kidnapped sarah and I haven't showed her any love. Oh wait yeah I have when she was at the hospital. I groaned and started to unbuckled my paints to change into some swear paints to be honest I hate paints I really do I don't know why but yeah I took off my shirt which messed up my hair a bit. all I had was my boxers on I looked at myself haha I look like I just jerked off. Yes I do. Actually that don't sound bad right now i haven't gave him any attention in a while since sarah came along I stared down at him and smirked then I thought of sarah which made me hard her body is beautiful her curves, hair mmmm I can picture me pulling on it while she's-

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now