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~*Jason's P.O.V~*

Sarah's head was hurting her really bad so I took her a hospital so see what's happening. I was in the waiting room reading a magazine I seen something about Justin Bieber and a Paramore thing going on he's coping her. Whatever. I thought yeah so? I'm kinda a fan of his I like his music. Tell anyone I'll find you.

"Mr. McCann?"

I looked up to see a doctor standing in front of me


"Are you Miss. Johnson's guardian?"

I nodded my head

"Come with me please"

He said walking away. I groaned. I didn't wanna get up I'm lazy he took me into this room that looked likes bunch of csi shit

"Jason am I right?"

He said sticking his hand out for me to shack it,

"Yeah that's me"

I didn't take his hand I just put my hands in my pocket he pulled is hand back whipping the sweat he had his hand he clears his throat to speak

"Jason your girlfriend has something in her brain that's making it hurt really bad"

"What's in her brain?"

I asked curiously

"Idk what it's called but soon jason she's gonna feel everything"

"What do you mean feel everything?"

"She's gonna feel everything living in this world every living being even you and I she's gonna be able to lift things with her hand, read minds I don't think man kind will be ready for this"

I shook my head not knowing how powerful she's gonna be shit

"Has she bee mean or moody lately?"

Isn't that called a period. Jesus.


He smirked

"That's only the beginning jason just wait for it"

My eyes widened

"Can u like take it out of her brain or something?"

He shook his head

"I'm afraid not she's gonna be powerful jason, pulse I don't even know how she got it In her brain it must have been put in there when she was a baby"

I scratch the back of my head

"Can I see her?"

"Of course"

He said and we walked out he was writhing something on his clip bored I seen 'Miss Johnson needs testing' I just scuffed

"Here's her room"

He said opening the door

"I'll let you guys have some time alone, oh she's on Medicaid so she may act funny"

I smiled a little

"Thanks doc"

He nodded his head, I turned around to see a slimily sarah I sat down on a chair by the bed she turned her head towards me smiling like a weirdo

"How many rainbows do you think your made out of"

I just smiled

"1,2,3 trainbows"

She started to laughed

"Ha. I said trainbows"

I sat up from the chair

"Sarah listen I'm sorry I treated you like shit for the past idk mouths I really am sorry"

She looked at me again

"It ok, it's fin-...ohhhh my phone is ringing"

She giggled a little bit I smiled

"That's why I made it my ringtone. Cause I like it."

She sang (I got her a iPhone)

"You have to slide that thing that's crazy"

I took the phone from her hands I looked at the caller ID it was her friend Whitney

"It's your friend Whitney"

I said in a disappointed voice

"Ohhh you godsta answer that you gonna love her"

I laughed

"Maybe another time babe ok?"

She nodded her head and let the phone ring until it went off then my phone rang


"Jason bro you need to get her to the hide out now shit is about to get real"

I groaned

"Alright I'll be there soon"

I stud up to put me jacket on sarah looked at me

"Whoa you look like a monster right now"

I rolled my eyes and giggled

"Look baby something is about to go down at the hide out I need to go I love you"

I was about to head out when she grabbed my hand I felt sparks fly

"I'm coming with you"

I shook my head

"No sarah your still on Medicaid"

"No! I'm coming with you it's gonna be you, me, and her"

She said pointing to her jacket. Oh god.

"We're gonna go and kick some ass"

She started to sit up but I lightly pushed her back

"Jason please come on!"

I sighed loudly

"Fine but me carefu-"

Before I could finish my words she fell off the bed

"You should've helped me Jason"

I went to her and picked her up, got her jacket and her phone and left. Here goes nothing.


A/n yes I did us the scene from Ride Along ok? don't judge me lol

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now