If i stay...

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If I stay...

(part 2 of 'The Confession')
Enjoy 😌

Jason's POV

I've told her my real age,..I've told her about me bombing her dad's funeral.

.Ok hear me out. I didn't mean to kill her mom exactly or the people there either I just...I don't know I wasn't thinking straight all I wanted was revenge and I realize that my revenge in the past effected me in the future.

I'm sitting in the woods on the ground after I figured out what was going on when I waked up they explained everything to me but I didn't wanna listen I wanted to get out of the house. I needed to get away from sarah and everyone the reason why sarah is because I can't face her right now I can't. I just can't. I don't wanna face her right now I know it sounds harsh but I just can't.

The shit that's happening to me about that demon, it's something that is very hard to fucking deal with and if your wandering why I have this it's something that happened to me, my sister , and my brother Alex yes I had a sister her name was Brenda. She died a few years ago by her boyfriend tyler. He shot her in the head after they got done fighting. And get this, that fucker is still walking today and when I find him he's dead in a second.

Anyway what happened to us when we where kids was....


I stood up really quick, I didn't turn around though I just took a deep breath and sighed ready to speak to her.

"What do you want?"

I felt her warmness as she approached me

"Is it true? are you really 24...years old?"

Sarah's POV

I whispered in his ear I moved closer

"Is it true?"

I saw his shoulders rise up as he sighed deeply again, he's still not facing me.

"Jason please talk to me"

He turns around slowly as he puts his hands In his pockets he still had his head down I lifted his head up with my finger I gave him the 'please
say something to me' look

"I'm sorry sarah.."

"It's ok jason"

He shook his head

"No, no it's not, I made you scared of me, I've made you....I've made you do things that you should have never experienced in your life, I made you cry, I've made live with me....god! How did I fucking end up like this?! Rapping a innocent girl.....I'm so sorry sarah.....I-I never thought I would do something like that...."

I felt him look up at me all I could do was listen and stand there speechless I put my head down and moved a piece of hair behind my ear I got a little teary.

"you may not believe me but...I do love you"

I looked up with watery eyes, is he actually saying 'I love you' to me? and he's meaning it?...(he didn't mean it last time when we 'did it' and neither did I)

"Jason we both know this..."

I pointed to him then me back and forth twice

"Can't work"

He got close to me and put his hands on my hips, I didn't move them...I just I don't know it just felt so good to feel his touch again it's been so loooong and all the drama is overwhelming

"I'll change I promise"

"Don't just promise to me jason..."

He gave me a confused face

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now