Tougher than i Thought

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*~Jason's P.O.V (finally right?lol)~*

Sarah went upstairs to change into the outfit I got her. No it's not slutty. I don't want her to be exposed to other males out there in the world. Nope.

I felt my iPhone ring


"Hello McCann"

a guy said I could feel him smirking on the other side of the phone line.

"And you are?"

"Your worst nightmare"

I laughed

"Yeah I'm sooo scared"

"You should be"

"Why is that?"

He laughed in a evil way

"You better watch your girl or she'll me mine and you'll never see her again, watch your back Mccann"

(A/n that rhymed lol)

I realized who voice it was.


It was my old friend back in school, we had a huge fight over something I forgot what it was. I really didn't care. But we've been enemies ever since

"Yep that's my name, don't ware it out"

Ugh ass hole

"Listen Max why are u even calling me, matter of fact how did you even get my number in the first place"

"Eh a little bird told me, anyway I hope you don't have any plans tonight"

I sighed telling him to continue

"Well because if you do go out we'll
Get you"


"Whatever man I gotta go, and btw can you not stalk me and my girl it's kinda creepy bye"

I hung up before he could say anything that bastard thinking he's gonna take my girl away

I laughed, but idk should I go to the club tonight with Justin? I really don't want my little one to get hurt and token away from me. Ugh shit.

I made my way upstairs to see sarah just standing there staring at nothing she was kinda shacking she was foundling with her fingers like she was hiding something, I walked in front of her

"Sarah are you ok?"

I waved my hand in front of her face still nothing

"Hello?! earth to sarah?!" still nothing

It's like she's died, she was so pale even though her skin was light brown

"Sarah babe answer me please"

I shook her a little she came back to reality

"W-what happened" she said

I didn't answer her I just picked her up bridle style and carried her onto my bed she looks like she's gonna pass out

"Are you ok sarah?" she nodded her head


"Yeah babe?"

I touched her cheek she flinched, I would understand I hurt her I hurt enough to the point were I would understand if she never wanted to forgive me

"Why did you hurt me so bad?"

I didn't know exactly what to say and tbh I really don't know why I hurt her so bad I guess it's the demon inside of me...

"I-I don't know sarah I'm so sorry"

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now