Somethings not right

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Sarah's POV

I miss Jessica and Whitney, I miss school...yeah believe it or not, I miss my home, I just miss everything I feel like I'm trapped here in this hell hole I mean I have this power and I'm just getting used to it, I just had sex with Jason even though he rapped me I don't know why I did it i guess when I heard him moan my name I just went off. I said the three words. I didn't mean to...Those words are just said to much and sometimes it doesn't even mean anything. Why did I say it?! I'm still in bed with Jason he's asleep with his arms around me snoring lightly I tried to get up once but he pulled me closer to him and tighter leaving no space between use once again so I just gave up and relaxed it's just me and my thoughts at the moment think what my life would've been like if I didn't meet jason at the would just be normal 16 year old girl would live jason is 17 or 18 I think I never asked him how old he was and I really don't wanna know but I also wonder-


I heard jason say I turned to him


He didn't reply just snored I just giggle he's talking in his sleep I want to get up and just run. Yes ik what your thinking. But I wanna see everyone again i miss em. Don't get me wrong this is like a home to me but I wanna leave.

"Mmm baby"

Jason moaned in his sleep and lifted his hand off me and rolled over I frowned but I can get up now I slowly got out of the bed then Jason sat up but his eyes where still closed

"Where you going?"

I turned back around his eyes are still closed

"I'm going down stairs to eat"

I said, he sat up slowly

"Jason are you okay?"

I stepped closer to him he opened his eyes, what's wrong with him? Something's not right....


I sat back next to him

"You left"

He chocked on his words

"You. Left never came back"

I seen a tear go down his face

"Shh jason it's ok I'm here it was just a dream"

He plopped his head on my lap I frozen for a moment, do I pat his head? do I tell him to stop crying? Ugh I patted his head with each of somewhat words I said

"Look jason I'm not gonna leave you"

He looked up

"Yeah you may say that but how do I know your not gonna sneak out in the middle of the night and just leave me?"

He started balling

"Oh my goodness jason please stop crying I'm not gonna leave you, I'm not gonna sneak out"

"I don't believe you"

I had to admit his words did hurt a little

"You don't trust me?"

"I don't know should i?"

He said getting up

"Sarah, what if you do leave me? WHAT if you never come back?!"

Jason said practically yelling I stud up

"Jason. I'm not gonna leave you, I don't wanna leave you. I'm not gonna run away. I'm staying with you , why won't you believe me?! I thought you trusted me?"

I'm kinda getting mad now

"Prove that you'll stay with me"

I put my hands on my head and shook it

"Why WONT you believe me jason?! I'm NOT GONNA LEAVE YOU!"

I yelled. Pissed. I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my cheek

"Don't you ever yell at me"

Jason said sternly I looked up at him his eyes where pure black an anger

"Did you just slap me?!"

I put my hand up in a C form and lifted jason off the ground I was...choking him.

"Don't ever hit me it?"

I squeezed a little harder but I dropped him I don't wanna kill him


He stud up and pushed me on the bed holding my arms down and putting his body weight all on me which made me not be able to breathe right

"Please get off me, I can't breathe"

I said coifing

"Maybe I don't want you to breathe"

"What the fuck is your problem?"

He didn't answer just put his lips on mine and did something with his tongue. I did not like that. At all.

"Ew jason don't that's sick"

He slapped me again

"Don't tell me what to do"

I pushed jason off of me and got out the bed he ran up to me, pushed me up on the wall


He whispered on my neck, I rolled my eyes

"Eat a dick"

I pushed him off of me again and went out the door


I yelled no answer

"JUST-in where are you?!"

I yelled again he came running out of his bedroom looking all sweaty....oh dear god.

"Justin what's wrong with Jason?"

"What's wrong with him?"

He said pulling his paints up a bit buckling his belt

"Something's not right, something's not right....with him"

Justin put his hand on my cheek. Um ew.

"Get you hand off my cheek, who knows where it has been"

I looked at him in discussed

"Sorry, but um sarah there's something you don't know about Jason"

I put my fingers on the bridge of my nose

"What. Don't I know about Jason"

I said going back upstairs and went back into mine and Jason's room and shut the door an locked it, I turn around I gasped Jason was standing in front of me, eyes still black...veins still popped out, I can see the danger in his eyes I decided to say something about that

"You have a bit of danger in your eyes, I wonder what your plaining to do with that"

He smirked I'm still scared I'm just not gonna show it

"I'm planing to do a lot of stuff"

"I hope it's not murder"

"We'll see"

'Im sorry sarah it's not me! It's the demon I'm so sorry I love you'

I read jason thoughts. Wait.

'Jason is that you?'

I thought telepathy to him

'Yes it's me babe, I'm so sorry'

I covered my mouth and looked into the eyes of a demon....

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now