The show...

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"Here take these" Victoria handed me some pills?

"What are these for?"

"It's to make you less...worry sweetie, just take them you'll feel better" she smiled

"I need some water" I said getting up

Going to the bedroom kitchen, yeah this house is HUGE it's like a mansion, I almost fell these heels are killing me ugh I got some water to take them stupid pills...

"Are you ready sarah?" I nodded

I felt really dizzy, them pills are kicking in. Fast. Victoria walked out on stage

"Hey everybody my name is Vicky as you may know" she waved at all the guys, they looked at her like she was a piece of meat

"I have a guest with me today her name is y/n she's very beautiful I'm sure you all will LOVE her"

She gave me the signal to come out, I almost fell .damn these pills. I went to Victoria she held onto me then I seen Jason in the crowd looking at me like Im a diamond ring he wants to steel

"Victoria?" Jason said loud

"Yes Jason?" Her attitude changed form caring to sexual, I looked at her wired but she whispered

"It's part of my act, it's ok" she smiled and went to Jason's attention again

"Have sarah down here, I wanna lap dance from her"

He smirked at me biting his lip. Ugh he makes me sick.

"Will do Jason"

she winked at him then when she turned around she put her finger in her mouth an stuck her tongue out I laughed

"I saw that" Jason said out of no where

We both giggled and went on with the show, the guys howled like dogs putting dollar bills in the las of my bra strap, and tbh I'm kinda enjoying this the guys were not old people they looked my age and maybe a little bit older, and these pills are helping me. A lot.

"Hey mama come her"

a guy said to me bitting his lip. Dayumm. I bit my lip and sat down right on his lap not soft. Hard. He groaned. I turned around so my legs are on his waist and my arms are on his neck I smirked

"How may I help you this lovely evening"

"Ride me" he smirked

"Sorry babe...not aloud to have sex with costumers" I giggled

"Oh come on babe, just for me?" he grabbed my waist and started to grind against my 'area' (a/n DIEING 😂) I moaned. Yes I am a virgin.

"See you like that don't you?"

"Yes I do" I smirked

"What's your name again babe?"


"Sexy name" he smirked

"Why thank you, what's your name?"

"Mason" I love that name Idk why

he bit his lip I felt his 'manhood' getting harder and harder by the minute

"Getting exited now are we?"

"You have no idea babe girl"

Just as a was about to say something I felt someone tap on my shoulder

"Yes?" I turned around. It was Victoria.

"Sarah Jason wants you. Asap" she had a worried look on her face she was fonduing with her fingers

"Why? what's wrong Vicky?" I got off masons lap he sighed i giggled I told Victoria to hold on to talk to mason

"Mason?" he looked up


"Let me give you my number" I smirked and reached my hand into his pocket. Yeah I'm a teaser. I got out his phone and put my number into it (a/n sarah has a phone btw so it's alright) he smiled I waved bye and made my way over to Victoria. The pill is wearing off and these heels ugh.

"What dose jason want?"

"He's pissed at you sarah"

"Why? what did I do?"

She gave me a 'wtf are you serious' look

"You were practically!-" she got cut off by. Jason.

"Let me and sarah have some 'alone time'" he was mad no more than mad he was pissed it was written all over his face

"Y-yes j-Jason?" he smirked

"Don't 'yes Jason' me! you know what you did!"

he grabbed a handful of my hair an pulled me into an empty room with a bed. Shit. He throws me on the bed roughly he's on top of me. I turn my head to avoid eye contact with him. I could feel his hot breathe on my neck he began to kiss it right when he did he found my sweet spot I moaned. Accidentally.

"You like that don't you?"

he put his hand on my thigh and began to go up an down giving me shivers. (No I don't like this I told you before Jason makes me sick) he got closer to my underwear I freaked out

"NO JASON GET OFF ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"No you can't make me"

He unzipped my dress and throws it across the room leaving me in my bra an underwear. AGIAN.

"Now babe girl don't scream unless it my name" he smirks then he starts to lean down...

(A/n You guys should now what happened's next)

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now