The Confession

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(A lot of pov's)

Jason's POV

"Jason can I go with Victoria to the store?"

Sarah asked from the door way



I stud up

"Cause I said"

She stepped in our room and closed the door and leaned against it

"Jason please"

I got close up to her face and put my hand on her cheek

"Fine... if you run away, don't forget I will find you, you can run but you can't hide"

She had scared look on her face than nodded.

Sarah's POV

Knowing that I can't even go any ware without Jason always having his eyes on me it's like I can't even walk a kilometer with out him saying something.I'm planing to run away anyway.

I went out of our room and went down stairs

"Vicky he said I can go"

She sighed

"You sure you wanna do this, sarah think of how you'll make jason feel when you leave he can't live without you, I hope you know that. This man loves you"

I gave her a confused face. Man?. But i shook it off and sighed going into the living room and sitting down should I leave him? But I want to, but I don't ugh this is so annoying! I'm leaving that's the final straw

"Yes Vicky I'm sure. Remember the plain"

She stud in front of me, put her hands on my knees and bent down to my face

"I'm gonna miss you baby girl"

She kissed the top of my head I smiled stud up and hugged her

Victoria's POV

When I said 'man' I wanted to punch myself in the face but she left it alone. She actually leaving I don't want her to go she's like a little sister to me, yes I blame jason for making her go he pushed her to her limit

"Don't you wanna say goodbye to the others"

Sarah looked at me with watery eyes

"There's never a good way to say goodbye Vicky, can we go now please"

She whispered while whipping her tears away, standing up.

Adams POV

I heard sarah and Victoria talking about sarah leaving. I don't blame her. But she's not gonna say goodbye to us? I walked over to sarah and gave her a huge hug I still don't want her to leave I love her

"Oh, my god. Adam I can't breath"

I squeezed harder but not to hard just enough to make her feel loved around here I kissed the top of her head

"Please don't go"

I whispered in her ear I felt her shiver a little. whoa I have affect on her like that?.

"Adam I have to I don't wanna be here, I can't live like this anymore"

She hugged me as tight as she could I put my face in her hair, she started to cry

"Shhh it's okay"

I rubbed her back

Justin's POV

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now