Chapter Four; Recuperation

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I do not own Naruto! 


      My eyes flutter open to take in my surroundings. "Nice to see you finally woke up," A voice murmurs from beside me. "Blood loss?" I question, turning my head to face him. He nods. "What happened afterwards?"

      "Naruto and Sasuke worked together to destroy his clone. I was about to kill him in the woods when a Hunter-nin from your village came. He killed Zabuza and disappeared with his body." I shake my head. "Zabuza isn't dead, then. Hunter-nin dispose of the body right away." I explain. "I know." Kakashi sighs. "She's awake!" He calls. The three Genin pile in, along with an unidentified woman and Tazuna. "I had to change your shirt and clean it. The wound was terrible, you shouldn't move around much for a while." The woman says. "This is my daughter, Tsunami." Tazuna introduces. I nod. "Where's my sword?" I question. "Your sword and backpack are in the kitchen." I nod again. I sit up a bit, leaning back on my hands. "Is there a reason the bandages are off my legs?" I ask slowly. "I wanted to check for any more injuries." Tsunami says nervously. 

      "If there were any injuries, don't you think there  would have been blood?" I retort quietly, I study the scars and burns on my legs. "Uh, well.." Tsunami trails off, fiddling with her hands timidly. "What are those from, Kasumi?" Sakura asks. I glance up at her. "My graduation exam." I answer honestly. "What did that No-Brows guy mean the "Bloody Mist" village?" Naruto inquires. I sigh. "During the reign of the Fourth Mizukage, a new graduation ritual was established in our Academy. All students participated in one-on-one duels to the death with every person of their class, until one was announced winner. The one who showed the best fighting skills could become a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist." I pause. "There were already seven, so when one died, or retired and passed their sword onto me, I became a member. I became a member at the age of fifteen." I finish. 

      "Y-you killed a-all of yo-your classmates?" Sakura stutters. I nod. "It was kill or be killed, Sakura." Kakashi reminds. She gulps and nods. "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, go to your rooms. Zabuza shouldn't be able to fight for at least a week. We'll begin training tomorrow." They all nod and exit the room. "Where am I sleeping?" I question. "In here." Kakashi replies. I don't like the look in his eyes. "And where are you sleeping?" I ask. "In here." I shake my head. "I'll stay in the same room as Sakura." I say and attempt to stand. "Don't over exert yourself now, Kasumi of the Red Snow." I sigh and lie back down. 

      I raise an eyebrow towards Kakashi at our close proximity. I sigh when he doesn't move and curl up on my side, drifting off to sleep.

"Madoka," I whisper. "Kasumi." The voice says in return. "I can't leave the world in between Heaven and Hell until you understand." We're in a meadow this time. Something we don't have in Kirigakure. Madoka's standing in the center of it. "I tried to tell you before you killed me. It was all a lie. Your whole life is a lie. Your mother, she-" Images of his and my entire classes' bloodied bodies pop-up in my mind. I clutch my head, willing the memories to fade forever.

"Kasumi!" My eyes snap open. Kakashi has me placed in his lap, his arms wrapped around me protectively. "I did it." I say. He pulls a confused face. "During the graduation exam." I continue. I meet his mix-matched eyes. "I killed my elder brother."

      Kakashi doesn't say anything, but clutches me tighter instead. I don't break eye contact. "He tried to tell me something before I killed him. I didn't let him finish because I thought he was trying to play a trick on me. Or.. or I knew whatever was uttered out of his mouth would deem me unable to kill him. It still haunts me. Every nightmare he gets one more word in before I wake up." I explain in a whisper. "You did what you had to do. It's not your fault." He replies soothingly, his bored tone gone. I shake my head. "I should have died. Not him. Nobody likes me. I was four and he was six when it was found out that our father betrayed the village four years earlier. He was my best and only friend and I went and killed him. I'm pathetic." I argue quietly. "It made me a terrible person. I don't bat an eyelash when killing someone anymore. Killing Madoka is my only regret." 

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