Chapter Eighteen; Kasumi of the Red Snow

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      I give him a blank look. "I want answers." I say, getting straight to the point. "Ask and you will receive." I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him. "Why did you marry her if you didn't love her?"

       "You act like you know what love is, Kasumi, when you have no idea. I married her as a cover-up. You couldn't just be born looking like a member of another clan without it being suspicious. So I married your fake mother to make it all more believable." I shake my head. "If you didn't love her then why did you sleep with her?" I deadpan.

      "How do you know Madoka is really my child?" I glare at him venomously. "He used Ice Release during the graduation exam." He shrugs. "It was a mistake. Your brother was a mistake. I should have just killed him when I had the chance. But you did that for me, didn't you Kasumi-chan?" I glare harsher, the hate evident in my red-blue eyes. I just stop myself from lunging at him.

      "On a mission I met your real mother. We went on a few dates in secret and eventually, she fell in love with me. After giving birth to you, I put a seal on her, forbidding her from speaking of the Yuki clan, her pregnancy, and Kirigakure. Soon after, she was murdered by her cousin, Uchiha Itachi. So I didn't have to worry about anyone finding out, or so I thought.

      "Then somehow, the Mizukage found out. So, I became a rogue ninja. But I did this all for you. I always wanted a child with two or more Kekkei Genkai's to spite everyone for hating the Yuki name. Don't you want to avenge your real mother's death?" I shake my head. "No, I don't." I admit. "Either way, we're going to take down everyone, one village at a time."


      "I poofed outside the Hokage's office and was about to knock the door until I heard a certain name. "Yuki Kasumi was sent on a mission to capture Yuki Takedo." Tsunade says. "Why do you put so much trust in that girl? You act as if she's a Hunter-nin when she isn't." Koharu questions. "Kasumi didn't have anyone in her home village, due to her father. Here, she has many people. Sakura, Naruto, Jinichi, and most importantly, Kakashi. Where people still think of you, that's the place where you can call home, as Jiraiya says. I left her with the choice to return to the Mist Village for good or to return here as a permanent resident and she chose here. She came to me with a request to go after her father. As a favor to the Mizukage, her Uchiha mother, her ailed one, and her brother, but most importantly to her, so she can get the answers she so very much desires." Tsunade explains.

      "Tsunade, she is going to get herself killed. Yuki Takedo might as well be considered an S-Rank criminal. He's taken down several small villages already. Tell me you sent a team with her." Homura says, exasperated. "No, I didn't. She requested to go alone. She's been on more single assassinations missions than anyone I've ever met, I'm sure she can handle herself. And, Kakashi, I know you're there."

      I burst into the room. "I apologize, Tsunade-sama, Koharu-sama, Homura-sama, and Danzō-sama." I bow quickly. "You sent Kasumi on her own?" I ask anxiously. Tsunade nods. "Why? Is something wrong?" She asks. "Kasumi's father can contact her through her dreams during full moons. He always told her that he betrayed the Mist Village, lied, commited adultery, did everything - for her. That he wanted her to be so powerful that no one could stop her so that they could take over the ninja world together. I know Kasumi is strong but she's not a master in her other Kekkei Genkai yet. Her father has years of experience over her. As soon as he finds out that she wants nothing to do with his plan, he's going to attempt to kill her." I explain.

      "How do you know she won't join him?" Danzō inquires. "Kakashi knows Kasumi better than anyone." Tsunade defends immeadiately.

     She turns towards me. "I'm giving you permission to go after Kasumi, with a team consisting of two ANBU." She declares. "I request that what's left of Team Seven be allowed to come, even if it's only as back-up." Tsunade-sama sighs, rubbing her temples. "Fine."

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