Chapter Thirteen; Mission

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      Not even four hours after the attack was completed and Orochimaru fled, I was summoned to the Hokage's quarters. Which was strange, considering the Hokage died in sacrifice. The village Elders were there, along with Kakashi, Guy, and a Shinobi I've never seen before.

      "As we looked through the files, we noticed that the Third Hokage had a mission scheduled for you four. We cannot just ignore this because the Third has passed away. It's an A-Ranked mission. You are to spy on a rogue ninja from the Land of Hot Water. If he has another plan, stop it, then corner him and take him down. You are to leave immeadiately. Kasumi, we decided that you are in charge of this mission." I blink in surprise.

      "Then I want to go alone." I state. "Nonsense." Koharu objects. "I've been on plenty solo assassination and intel missions in the past. Just because I currently reside in Konoha shouldn't change anything." I argue, taking a step forward. "We are currently in charge and we decided to make you the leader of a four-man cell. Homura declares. I glare at him. "Here's a picture of the rogue ninja you're after, along with a map." Koharu says, handing it to me.

      "Gates, half an hour." 

     I use Mist Body Flicker and appear in Kakashi's apartment. I pack my bag and refill my weapon pouches, as does Kakashi. I pack two scroll of explosive tags, place another on my sword. 

I disappear in a puff of smoke, reappearing at the gates. I lean against the wall waiting for my temporary team. 


They all eventually show up, and I begin speaking. "I read all three of your files to determine our traveling situation. Guy, you'll be in the front since you excel in Taijutsu. Kakashi, you'll be behind him since you also do well in Taijutsu in case of an attack you can assist Guy. I'll be behind you, with Jinichi behind me since he's a sensory type Ninja. He'll warn us of any approaching threats, and him and I will defend the back, while you two," I gesture towards Kakashi and Guy, "will defend the front. If we're separated we'll have at least one other person from the team at all times." 

With that being said, we begin moving out. "Uh, Captain?" Jinichi questions unsurely. "Kasumi." I respond. "Kasumi, you know our abilities, but we don't know any of yours." I sigh. As I beginning to explain about myself, Kakashi cuts me off.

      "She's a very skilled fighter. Her Taijutsu is up to par, she's the only female to ever be in the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. She has the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, meaning she's a Yuki. She's independent and strongwilled. You have nothing to worry about." Kakashi says, turning around and shooting me a closed-eye smile. I remain silent, still refusing to speak to him. 

We're only suppose to be gone for four days, so that we're back in time for the Hokage's funeral. The rogue ninja was spotted in his home village, wrecking havoc, so we were heading to the border of the Land of Hot Water.


The next day, we finally find the rogue ninja, Matsumoto Eigi in a post town just outside the Land of Hot Water. The four of us peer from behind the buildings we're sneaking behind for a closer look. He's flirting with a woman. Typical, according to my information.

      I motion for Kakashi and Guy to join Jinichi and I. The three of them exchange glances. "We have an idea on how to get information out of Eigi.." Jinichi begins. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh, and we got this tactic from Jiraiya-sama himself." Kakashi says with a closed-eye smile. 


"No." I decline immeadiately. "It's practically fool proof if you mask your chakra! Kakashi could even put him under a genjutsu to get information!" Jinichi says. "Enjoy the Power of Youth!" Guy adds. I sigh.

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