Chapter Six; Registration

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      I don't have another nightmare for a week and a half. It's not as it usually is. There is no Madoka trying to get the truth in before I wake up. Madoka falls to the ground first, his blue hair covering his eyes. Next is a woman that has the same black hair as I do, but I can't make out her facial features. I turn around frantically to see my father smirking. He steps closer. "I did it for you. For you to become the most powerful Ninja and rule the world. To make people really fear the Yuki name. I've had it all planned out since before you were even born. If only you knew of everything I did for you.."


      Even I've took note that her nightmares only take place in a certain time frame. I walk towards her room. Silently, I open her bedroom door. Her blankets are only half on her. She's curled up in a ball, but constantly straightening out and recurling herself. One hand clutches her hair. Her teeth are visibly clenched. 

I lie down beside her. "Kasumi, wake up." I grip her wrists. Her movement eventually decrease until it stops all together. Kasumi's mouth parts openly slightly and her eyes flutter open. "It.. it was my father this time." She breathes. Her red-blue eyes are wide, but dull. "He said he did it all for me.. all for me.." I pull her towards me. It was strange how close she let me come after one of her nightmares. "Maybe.. maybe I should return to my village. If my mother died they'd let me know, right? Maybe what Zabuza said about my real mom being murdered by her own blood was a lie. It had to be. Just because I don't look like her or my brother doesn't mean I'm not related to them." She rants, looking over my shoulder at the wall. She reaches over me and I immeadiately grip her hips so she doesn't fall. She meets my eyes as she hands me a locket - her locket. I open it gingerly. On the left is a picture of what I assume is her family. I place her easily. Her black and blue stands out against the blonde of her brother's who stands beside her and the blonde of her mother's who stands behind her. I peer closer, smiling at her grinning features. "I was four. It was a few weeks before my father's attempted arrest." I nod. Her brother's eyes are blue and her mother's a dark brown. My eyes travel to her father. His hair is more of a gray than a black, but Haku was a Yuki too, she might have gotten her hair from gene further down. Her eyes are a mystery, though. If they were just blue, they'd match her father's. But with the red hue mixed in, it almost looks like.. no. There's no way. 

My eyes travel to the next picture. There's a young, smiling Kasumi in it. "I was three. The blurred shape in the background is a body. It was taken right before the full-fledged attack had begun." She explains emotionlessly. "Did you know the people who attacked you?" I ask and she nods. "Remember how I told you that I was ambushed and it was then that I became Kasumi of the Red Snow?" 

"Hai." She clears her throat. "It was those same people. My clan obvious fought back, not the ones who married into it, though. The losses were immense. When there weren't many left, they fled. Medical Jutsu isn't taught in the Mist Village. Those who suffered major wounds died. Since I was the only known person left, I was targeted when I was alone by the same people. I killed them all with one Jutsu using my Kekkei Genkai. Some were from my village and some weren't, but even people who lived nearby didn't come to my aid." She pauses. 'It's nice. Coming to a place where no one knows you. They know your name but not your story. They don't know what I've done or what I've been through. It's reassuring." She takes in a deep breath and pushes me down so I'm flat on my back. I raise my eyebrows.

She shakes her head and curls up next to me. Her head rests on my chest and her right arm is thrown over my chest. I wrap my left arm around her small frame and we fall asleep. 


When I wake up the first thing I see is the rise and fall of Kakashi's chest. I sigh and untangle myself from him, putting some space between us. Kakashi's grabs my wrist and inspects it. "Are these from your graduation exam too?" He asks softly. "Some are. Others are from random villagers who didn't like me. A couple are from when my clan was attacked and missions and such." I shrug. "Naruto suffered the same abuse you did, you know." I raise an eyebrow. "He's the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi." I blink, processing what he just said. "The Fourth Mizukage was a host. Another boy, Utakata is too, but he became a missing-nin a little while back." Kakashi nods. "Twelve years ago, Konoha was attacked by the Nine Tails. It was said that someone was manipulating it. To save the village, the Fourth Hokage, sealed it inside his son." 

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