Chapter 14

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Team 7 then reaches konoha gates. Then they make their way to the hokage tower. After reaching the front door kushina knocked. A faint 'come in' was heard. Then everyone gets inside the room with naruto holding yui.

"Team 7 back from the mission." Kakashi said.

Minato smiles then sees a girl in naruto arms.

"Naruto, Who is she?" Minato asked getting curious.

"This is yui. I found her in the land of waves. She was living alone in the streets. So i take care of her." He said poking yui cheeks. This makes yui giggle and everyone in 'awe'.

"What about her parents and what will you do with her?" Minato asked.

"Her parents abandon her and leaves somewhere else. And i am going to adopt her." He said in calm voice

"What. You can't do that, you are not high ranked enough." Minato said standing from chair.

"Oh, yeah then can you do one thing?" He said smirking. Minato nods.

"Tell kitsune to come here." He said.

This makes everyone confused why naruto is telling the hokage to bring an ANBU. Minato noda and snap his fingers. But no one comes. He once again snaps but no one comes.

"What. Where is kitsune?" He said to himself. Bit naruto hears because of his high senses.

"Oh, he is not coming." Naruto said.

"How do you know?" Minato said in anger.

He smirks and removes his shirt to reveal and ANBU tattoo. Everyone eyes went wide.

"N-Naruto, when did you became an ANBU?" Minato asked.

"Do you remember, one year ago a boy with hood in his head came to you and askes you to join to ANBU?" He said to minato. Minato nods.

"It was me. So now, i am high rank enough, i am gonna adopt yui. And if anyone, i mean anyone hurts her or tries to hurt her. I will kill Him/Her." He growls with cold eyes.

This makes everyone sweatdropped. Minato nods and takes out adoption paper. He then fills out and wakes yui up.

"Yui, wake up. Now you are officially my child." He said smilling.

"Really?" She said in tears.

"Yeah." He said.

"Thank you daddy." She said while crying. Everyone seems happy that yui gets a family. But they didn't see that sasuke was deep down was sad. Because there was no one for him. He misses his brother.

Then everyone leaves and started going to their homes. When naruto was about to walk home, he sees that sasuke seems to be sad.

'Why is he sad?' he thought to himself.

'I think he misses his brother.' kurama said.

This makes naruto said and he follows sasuke to his home. Be conceal his chakra so that sasuke can't sense him. Sasuke reaches his home and goes inside. Naruto then goes to his nearby window.

When he got there he take a peek. He then sees that sasuke was crying.

"W-Why, why everyone is happy not me. Itachi i miss you." He said to himself while crying.

This makes naruto sad. He then gets inside from back door and goes to where sasuke is. He then told something in yui ears. She nods and make his way to sasuske.

While sasuke was crying, he saw that some one was behind him. He then sees that yui was behind him. She was hugging him.

"Yui....." He trails off.

"Don't cry. Daddy gets sad when you cry." Yui said.

Then sasuke started crying while hugging yui. Then naruto comes from back and sat infront of him. When sasuke sees him, he stops crying and yui sats in his lap. She smiles and this makes him smile.

"So sasuke care to explain, why you were crying." He asked.

"Hn." Sasuke said.

"Hmmm......and i was thinking to ask you live with me and yui." He said and started getting up to leave.

He then sees yui in his lap to sees him smiling at him. He then thought about it.

"Ok. I will live with you. But you will have to tell me about itachi." He said getting and gives yui to naruto.

"Sure why not. Pack everything you want. And yui he will live with us now." He said to yui. This makes her happy and she started dancing saying that now she can have Someone to play with. This makes both of them smile.

Sasuke then packs everything he got and goes to naruto. He noda and tells him to grab his hand. He grabs and they sunshined to his apartment.

They reached his apartment and open his door. Yui runs inside laughing and naruto told sasuke to take his things to his room while he makes them dinner.

Sasuke then opens his room to see inside. His room was filled with a single bed, a study table with a lamp, lots of books and scrolls, a single window, and the walls was painted blue.

While sasuke was unpacking his things, Naruto started making dinner and told yui set the plates. Yui then set the plates and naruto made their dinner. He then told sasuke to come for dinner.

Then everyone gathered and started eating.

"Hey naruto." Sasuke said and gets a 'hmm' response from him.

"Thanks for everything. You know i was alone for a long time and i forgot the feelings to be with someone. But now i got it back because of you. Thank you for everything naruto, Yui." Sasuke said.

Naruto told him that it was alright, besides he was lonely to so he thought it might be a better idea if he lived with them.

Then everyone bid their farewells and goes to their room. Naruto gatherd the plates and washes them. He then sees that yui was asleep. He smiles and takes her to their room. He puts her to the bed and puts up the covers to her chin. He slipped inside covers and puts an arm around her. She snuggles in his chest and both went to sleep.

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