Chapter 17

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Naruto was walking when a iwa genin team approaches him.

"Hey there, mind giving your scroll to us." One them said to naruto.

"Okay. Here." He said and takes out his scroll. He pointed the scroll to them.

One of them smirks and started walking towards the scroll, when he was about to take the scroll, Naruto smirks and at lightning speed he takes out a kunai and alit his throat. He teleport himself behind the other two and slit their throats too. He sighs and checks their pockets.

"Hmm.....2 earth scrolls and 3 heaven scrolls. That should do it." He smiles and puts the scroll in his pouch. He sighs and thinks about his team.

"Hmmm....lets see where they are." He said and goes into sage mode.

He sense all of the genin chakra's. He then sense his team chakra and smiles, but his smiles fades when there was another chakra that he recognises.

"Orochimaru." He growls and runs at orochimaru at the speed which a kage cannot rival.

He reaches there and sees sasuke struggling with orochimaru while his teammates was on the ground with cuts and bruises.

'Hmm.....Sankey-boi, thats interesting.' He thought.

'Would you kill him?" Kurama asked while yawning.

'Yeah. I can risk what happens if he is alive, the future will not be good while he is here.' He said to kurama.

Then orochimaru starts doing handsigns and when he stops his necks gets off his body and goes towards sasuke.

When he was about to bite sasuke's neck, Naruto jumps at him and kicks his neck.

"Well well, what do we have here?" Naruto said smirking.

'Naruto' Everyone thought.

"Hmm......The 9 tail brat." Orochimaru hissed.

"Yep that's me. So why a sannin is taking the genin exams. Are you living your childhood again Sankey-boy?" He said smilling.

"No. I am here to give little sasuke a special gift." He said giving his snake smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Go ahead give him." He said stepping away.

"Wha.." sasuke said confused.

"This will not take long my dear." Orochimaru said and his necks gets off like before. His neck goes towards sasuke. Then in a second his neck was on the ground, blood was coming out on the end.

"Yeah...that should do it." Naruto said holding his now blooded Katana.

Then orochimaru  body splits in half and a new orochimaru gets out from it. He pants heavily while holding his neck.

"You brat, do you know how much chakra it takes to regenerate." Orochimaru growls.

"Oh..i am sorry, did you get hurt by a little genin." He said mocking him.

Oochimaru then spits his sword kusanagi from his mouth and runs at naruto. Naruto smirks and cuts his stomach in mere a second. Orochimaru then spits blood while kneeling on the floor.

'Wow' Everyone though.

Naruto then takes the kusanagi in left hand with his katana at tight. He channeled lightning chakra at kusanagi and wind chakra at his katana. He runs at orochimaru and slices him at small pieces. He does handsigns and yelled 'Fire Style : Fire ball Jutsu'. A large fire ball hits orochimaru and his body was now gone. No traces of his body was there. Naruto sighs and unseals his katana.

He then goes to sauke and gives him a hand. He takes his hand and gets up. Naruto then checks his injures, he find out he has some cuts and bruises. He heals that with his medical ninjutsu. Sasuke thanked him and both of them goes to his team. Then naruto also healed them, but naruko insisted to get healed, but naruto healed him.

"Why would you healed me?" Naruko asked.

"I know you have insulted me and picks on me, but i have a soft spot for my family, which includes you." He said.

"Thankyou, Naru-nii." Naruko said crying. Mito then hugs her and calms her down.

Naruto goes to sasuke with the kusanagi in his hand.

"He sasuke. Catch." Naruto said throwing the kusanagi at sasuke. He catches it and gets confused.

"Don't get so confused, you always wanted a sword. So, take it its all yours." Naruto said and smiled.

Sasuke then checks his sword and started waving it. He waves like he was pro in kenjutsu.

"Thanks bro." Sasuke said placing his kusanagi back to his scalp.

Sakura then than thanked naruto started fangirl at sasuke, sasuke just smiled at her.

"Ohh, man, we have to get a earth scroll, so that we can pass." Mito said while holding her head.

"Here." Naruto said and throws a earth scroll.

Everyone sees that its a earth scroll and started cheering excluding sasuke who was just smirking. The mito stops cheering.

"But what about you?" Mito said.

"Me, i have plenty of them." Naruto said showing 4 Scrolls.

Then naruto tells them to grabs his shoulder. Everyone grabs and naruto shunshin them at the tower middle in the forest. Then they were told to open their scrolls.

Team 7 opens their scroll. A large smoke gets off and kushina was there.

"MOM!!" Mito and naruko yelled and hugged her.

"Wait, how do you pass so fast?" Kushina asked curious.

"Naru-nii, gives us the scroll and we shunshined here." Miro said. Kushina smiled at naruto. He smiled back and nods.

Then naruto opens his scroll to reveal kakshi there standing while reading his book.

"Ahem." Naruto coughed to get attention oh his sensei.

"Huh?" He sees that was in the middle of the tower.

"What? So fast. But, congratulations on passing." Kakshi said one eye smilling.

"Thanks, sensei." Naruto said smirking.

Then their sensei told everyone that they can do whatever they want to do and in the next 4 days. Then their leaves in a swirl of leaves.

Everyone goes to their home and naruto and sasuke shunshined. Naruto opens and sees that yui was seeing the tv.

Naruto locks the door and told sasuke to freshen up while he makes dinner. Sasuke goes to his room. Naruto then started making dinner and when he was done he told sasuke to wake yui up for dinner.

Sasuke goes to yui and kneels down. He then smiles when he sees yui smilling.

"Yui, wake up, its dinner time." Sasuke said shaking yui.

"Just one more minute, uncle Sasuke" yui said half sleeping. This makes sasuke smiles.

"Yui wake up, if you don't then we will eat all the food." Sasuke said.

Yui wakes up yawning. She sees sauke and hugs her tightly, no giving a chance to breath. Sasuke then takes her to the dinning table where naruto seta the food. Yui yelled and goes to naruto. Naruto pick her up and hugs her. She sits on his lap and started eating.

"Hey naruto." Sasuke said which he gets a response of 'hmm'.

"Could you train me, with the kusanagi." Sasuke said.

"Yeah sure, but let me tell you, the training will be rough." Naruto said.

"I am ready for everything." Sasuke said proudly. This makes naruto smiles and yui giggles.

Everyone eats their dinner and goes to bed. Then naruto told yui that they can go to park or amusement park or wherever she wants to go. This makes yui happy. Then they both drifted to sleep.

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