A Malec Love Story❤️

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Alec was speechless for a couple of seconds but he then slowly leaned down and forcefully crashed his lips into Magnus'. Magnus kissed him back and wrapped his hands into Alec's hair whilst Alec's arms snaked around Magnus' waist. To Alec oxygen no longer mattered, he didn't need to breathe when he was kissing Magnus, they became a tangle of bodies and they couldn't bare to separate. They were suddenly interrupted by a loud hiss and a knock at the door. Magnus laughed! "Chairman shush can't you see we're busy, and WHO IS IT!" Magnus exclaimed. Chairman Meow stalked off into the bedroom grumpily.

"It's me Isabelle, can you let me in?" came the feminine voice from the other side of the door. Alec groaned annoyed. "What is she doing here." Alec complained. Magnus chuckled. "I guess we'll just have to open the door and see." Magnus said. With a click of Magnus' fingers the door was open and Isabelle stomped in. She looked over to Magnus and Alec, and her jaw dropped wide open in shock and surprise. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood what in earth are you doing here, you told me you were going out!' Isabelle proclaimed.

"I have gone out Iz!" Alec explained.

"Why are you here Isabelle?" Magnus asked kindly. Isabelle paused for a moment before answering "I just came to thank you for your help earlier but it's clear I've interrupted so I'll just be going now, bye Magnus and Alec." She then left and slammed the door behind her. Alec scowled grumpily.

"So where were we before we were interrupted?" Alec asked playfully. Magnus winked and then wrapped his fingers into the loops and pulled Alec close before softly pressing his lips against Alec's. Alec's mind was going crazy, his thought process wasn't stopping. "What if I forget to breathe whilst kissing him." Alec wondered in his mind. Alec wrapped his arms tightly around Magnus and held him close. "I think I may be falling for you Alexander Gideon Lightwood." Magnus said between breaths. Alec flushed bright red. "I too think I may be falling for you Magnus Bane." Alec replied before crashing onto the sofa wrapped up in Magnus' embrace.

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